Chapter 54

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"I'm telling you, that man was a fucking criminal!" Police commissioner Gerald "Jerry" Bennet yelled into his easily tapped office phone. "He openly admitted to murdering almost fifty people!" 

"Listen, Mr..." FBI Agent Duloc started.

"Commissioner!" Bennet screamed loud enough that Oracle pulled her earpiece out, and she could practically see the agent holding his phone away from his ear. 

"Commissioner Bennet," Duloc corrected himself before continuing, "While I can understand what you think you saw and heard, we simply have nothing to go on. Your description of 'a tall man with eyes like Hell' does not give us much to hunt for, and his apparent usage for magic does cast some doubts on the legitimacy of your claims."

"Legitimacy?! You doubt my legitimacy?!" Bennet sounded like he was going to burst a blood vessel. "My life, and the lives of my wife and children, were threatened, and you just aren't going to do anything?!" 

"Sir, I can not and will not grant your request for, and I quote, 'an entire squad of field agents who know follow orders unquestioningly, aren't afraid to get their hands a little dirty, and are beholden only to me and Cardinal'."

"You will not? That's it, give me your badge number and get your fucking supervisor on the phone! I'll have you fired for dereliction of duty!"

Duloc sighed, and began the argument anew. Oracle decided to tune it out and check up on her other tasks. 

She had been going through all of the people she could find who regularly attended the Church of the Guarded Heaven and looking to see who might be working for them. In addition to Commissioner Bennet were several of his lower- and higher-ranking officers, which were also the only officers that happened to be assigned to any murder or missing person's case involving somebody with their eyes. It appeared that the local coroner was also in on it, and a few members of the city council.

Oracle shook her head as she looked at the running list of targets she was keeping. How did such despicable people so often find themselves in positions to give each other favors? It was ridiculous. All it would take was a few actually good people in the right places to stop all of this, and yet there were none.

Also on her list regarding the good commissioner was to go through his files, both personal and business, to gather evidence of his misdeeds. It was basically child's play to her since the commissioner had next to no security on his computer. The man must have been really sure that his position would protect him from snoopers. Oracle had found enough damning evidence in his email and files to make anybody who saw it understand why so many officers were killed in one night. She knew that Fang would leave printed copies on the commissioner's desk after he was killed, like usual, but she had also scheduled emails to go out to good officers and a handful of other highly positioned people that were trustworthy.

The third item she had on her official list was making sure that no reinforcements were coming in, especially from the feds. Supposedly the CIA would keep any other agencies away by use of "ongoing investigation", but why risk it? The less anybody knew about their activities here, the better. To make sure of that, Oracle was to use any means necessary.

Oracle tuned back in to the conversation between law enforcement just in time to hear the end of it.

"Fine then!" Bennet sounded out of breath, like all the yelling was really wearing him out. "We didn't need the FBI anyway! My men and I will apprehend this scum and his helper monkeys, and then I'll have your ass fired!"

The call disconnected with a clatter, so Oracle turned to another computer screen, this one with a chat client open. She typed out a quick message.

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