After Action Report

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Washington State, USA

October 6th, 2019

Chesyr was waiting for in the foyer for them when they got back. The second Sentinel stepped walked through the door, she was in front of him with an aid bag in her hand.

"Are you hurt?" She asked, looking him up and down with a critical eye.

"I'm fine, Chesyr." Sentinel held up his hands in surrender. "Really, I didn't even get touched."

"I told you he'd be fine." Vyper said, stepping around Sentinel and glaring at Chesyr.

"Thank you, Vyper." Chesyr got onto her tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek. Vyper's look softened. "I haven't gotten any work done today because I've been so worried, so I'm going to go."

"Oh no you don't." Vyper reached out and snagged her by the shoulder before she could even move to get away. "You and I are going to the kitchen to have a talk."

Chesyr looked at Sentinel, a wordless plea for help, and Sentinel just laughed. The other two laughed as well, and Sentinel knew that they were all good. This was some kind of strange game these two played, and he had been an unwitting player in it.

"Oh, by the way," Chesyr said, "Fang wanted to see you in his office, Sentinel. We'll catch up with you later, alright?"

"Where's Fang's office?" Sentinel asked. Another room he hadn't been to yet.

"Take the left hall, follow it all the way to the end, then take the last door on the wall." Vyper directed.

"Thanks," Sentinel said. "I'll see you guys later."

They went their separate ways then: Chesyr and Vyper heading to the kitchen for God knew what, and Sentinel heading left to find Fang's office.

Through the exploring that Sentinel had done during his free time the past few days, he had built a fairly decent internal map of the building. The others had told him that he was welcome in any door that wasn't locked, so he had checked out the vast majority of the top and bottom floors, as well as the basement and attic.

The second floor was comprised almost entirely of bedrooms, twenty of them to be exact, set up in a rectangular set of hallways with regularly spaced stairwells. Each corner had a supply closet with mops, brooms, and chemicals for cleaning stocked in them. The very front of hall, right at the top of the stairs, had two large bathrooms and nothing else. Sentinel had checked every door, and almost all of them were unlocked. Even his teammates' doors opened when he tried them, but he opted not to go inside so as not to invade their privacy. The only door on the entire upper floor that he found locked was the door between Vyper and Fang's rooms. He had planned to ask the other's about it, but kept forgetting.

The bottom floor seemed more confusing at first glance than it really was. The four main hallways connected to what was essentially three rows of rooms, as well as several cross halls. Most of the rooms exited to two different hallways, with the exception of a handful of rooms that were only connected to an outside hall. The middle section of rooms was comprised solely of the medbay, the dining room, the kitchen, and a locked room that had the loud hum of computers inside of it. The right set of rooms held the den where he first met Oracle, the room he had met Chesyr in, the computer lab, and a storage room. The outer right edge held the sparring room and a locked room that Sentinel knew had the floor to ceiling windows he had seen from outside. The left set of rooms had Oracle's room of animals, the room they had played Dungeons and Dragons in, a room full of couches and game consoles, a room with pool and ping pong tables, and a literal arcade room full of classic game cabinets. The back wall held a room with an indoor pool and a sauna, though neither looked like they had been used in a while. The left hall had held nothing but locked doors and the armory, so Sentinel had no idea what was in most of them.

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