Chapter 58

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Sentinel turned the corner, trying to keep his breathing under control. The gun in his hand felt heavy, despite knowing how lightweight it actually was. He could hear fighting, but it sounded distant, on the other side of the building more than likely. How had he gotten separated so quickly? 

I've got to get back to the others, He thought. Without them, I'm as good as dead if I get caught. I've just got to keep moving.

The sound of feet running towards him broke him out of his thoughts. He turned and lifted his gun, readying himself. The woman who came around the corner had a rifle in her hands, not unlike the one strung across Sentinel's own back. She stopped when she saw him, and he saw her eyes flick back the way she came.

"Don't try it!" he barked. His hands started to shake as he raised his pistol higher to aim down the sights. The woman's eyes flicked back to his and he saw her smirk. Rather than running like he had expected, she suddenly raised her rifle and fired. Sentinel's hands clenched as he realized he was done for. He'd lost.

The foam dart hit him in the forehead, and Sentinel fell back on his ass hard enough that it might as well have been a normal bullet. He was shaking so hard that the gun fell out of his hand, and he suddenly realized that he was crying.

"Not bad, Sentinel." Velvet said from where she'd walked up in front of him. He heard her gasp, and figured he must look as bad as he felt. "Shit, are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine," He stuttered, trying to get his breathing back under control. He tried to remember the pattern Ranger had used to help him, and suddenly wished the other man were here. "but that definitely wasn't a good job."

"What do you mean?" Velvet sounded surprised. "Look at me."

With some effort, Sentinel forced himself to look up at her. He was shocked to see that the dart he had fired was stuck to her mask.

"That was a good shot. Sure, you still got tagged too, but you did take me down." She offered him a hand and hauled him to his feet. When he wobbled, she put his arm over her shoulders and half carried him back towards the others.

By the time they got back across the warehouse they were using for training, Sentinel was walking on his own, the shaking passed and his legs working again. The fighting had stopped already, and the others were all picking up darts. Fang saw them first, jogging over from where he was chatting with Earth. 

Sure is a good thing Fang has so many friend that like to do this kind of thing, Sentinel thought, looking around at the large group of formerly masked people that were helping them train.

"Sentinel, where the fuck did you go?" Fang snarled, his fiery eyes bright. There was no real anger in his voice, though. That's just how Fang talked once his adrenaline kicked in. "You were supposed to stay close to us."

"Sorry, Fang." Sentinel rubbed the back of his head. "Velvet was forcing me out of cover, and I had to take off running to avoid getting shot. She still got me though."

Fang turned to Velvet, only raising an eyebrow at her.

"I only got him because he had another panic attack," Velvet said, diming him out. Fang didn't react, only nodded for her to continue. "and he got me back, even while freaking out."

"Alright, thanks Velvet." Ranger gave her what was supposed to be a smile, and then nodded at Sentinel. "Walk with me."

Fang led him towards a stairwell and then up onto the catwalks above the warehouse floor. Fang stopped in the middle of one and sat down, letting his feet dangle off the edge. Sentinel sat next to him, looking down at the floor. They were silent for a long while, merely looking down at the others cleaning up and talking to each other, until Fang spoke.

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