Chapter 64

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Chesyr could barely see through the pouring rain, but she didn't need to. She could track the gunshots and find the boys easily. Hopefully they weren't in anything too deep, they really needed to hurry and get back. Luckily, they had said they were in the closest house to the barracks.

There were two bodies laying outside, and for a horrifying moment she thought it was the boys. Once she got close enough to check, it was obviously not them. One was a woman, and the other was an Asian man, not to mention they were dressed like all the other Demon Hunters. She moved past the bodies and went inside, quickly checking to make sure she was still invisible first. 

Inside there were more bodies, but the gunshots ringing out made her ignore them in favor of going upstairs. She moved quickly, stopping at the top of the stairs and peering around the corner. Sentinel and Vyper were next to each other just inside of a bathroom, and at the end of the hall were two more Demon Hunters peering out of what was probably a bedroom. Vyper pointed his pistol around the corner and blind fired, making the Hunters duck back. Chesyr noticed that he had stuck his left leg out at an angle, keeping his weight off of it. He also had a bloody bandage wrapped around his left thigh. Sentinel looked to be in better shape, beat up and pockmarked but nothing seriously wrong with him.

Chesyr knocked on the wall next to her, making the boys look over at her. She widened her eyes, making sure the boys could see them. Vyper nodded, understanding instantly what the plan was. He looked at Sentinel, who nodded as well. 

All at once, Vyper laid out into the hallway and started firing down it. He was keeping his shots to the right side, leaving Chesyr an open path on the left. She sprinted down the hall and into the room, rushing into the far wall to make sure she was out of the way of any incoming fire. She turned, raising her own gun to check for targets. 

There were three of them in there, one Demon Hunter and two normal people. The Hunter was against the wall, and the other two were taking cover on the far side of the bed next to her. They hadn't even noticed that she was there. 

How unfortunate.

Bang Bang Bang!

By the time Sentinel got in, having ran forward after giving Chesyr a three second head start, they were all dead. The perks of being an invisible girl. She walked back out to where Vyper was still laying down.

"Can you move?" She asked, crouching down next to him. He turned and smiled up at her. In the other room, she could hear Sentinel searching the room.

"I'm still mobile, it just starts bleeding again if I crouch on it." Vyper admitted, nodded down at the bloodstained bandage. "Other than that, it just hurts."

"It's just pain, get your ass up." She stood up and held out her hand. Vyper grabbed it and she hauled him to her feet. He made a pained noise and started sweating, but otherwise he looked okay. She would need to keep him off of it as soon as they were done though.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Sentinel asked, walking up and throwing Vyper's arm over his shoulder. "Aren't you supposed to be with Oracle?"

Chesyr quickly filled them in on what had happened, from entering the barracks to her leaving. 

"They'll try to come at us in that room, and Oracle is rigging that jammer to explode. We need you boys there to help with both of those things."

"Guys," Oracle's voice coming through the comms cut off whatever Vyper was going to say. Her voice was weak and full of pain. "Please hurry."

Vyper and Sentinel's eyes went wide with panic, a feeling she was sure was mirrored on her face. They had heard that too. Without a word, the three of them were rushing down the stairs and out of the house. They were trying to be careful so they wouldn't get ambushed, but much more worried about getting to Oracle as quickly as they could. Chesyr led the way, only glancing around the corners she rushed past, the splashing behind her letting her know the boys were hot on her tail.

The Eyes of Fate (Currently in Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora