Spooky Scary Sentinel

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Crosby City Park

Redbear, Washington State, USA

October 31st, 2019

"Trick or treat!" The gaggle of kids shouted as they approached Sentinel and Violet's station. There were a half-dozen of them, with costumes ranging from princesses and knights to Spider-Man and Fortnite characters. Their parents were waiting back at the park's path, watching everything with mild amusement.

"Well, well, what a brave bunch we have here!" Violet crooned from behind her mask. She was dressed as her version of an angel, which had six wings and a golden mask.  "Don't you think so, Sentinel?"

"Yes, they do seem quite fearsome!" Sentinel adjusted his own mask so he could see a little better. He was a 'biblically accurate' angel, complete with multiple eyes and a sword he could light on fire "They've got the courage of the Spartans themselves!"

"Hmmm, maybe we should see if they're brave enough to get back our stolen candy." Violet said. She turned back to the costumed children. "What do you think, my dears? Are you brave enough to get back our extra big candy bars from the demon?"

"Yeah!" The children screamed, raising their variety of foam swords that Ranger and Vyper had given them back in the parking lot.

"Get ready then, because I think the demon is coming back!" Violet shouted. From the darkness around the corner of the building, the sounds of growling and clanking chains started. Their monster hearing his cue. A pair of glowing eyes appeared, and the children screamed. 

Fang had gone all out on his monster costume. He was wearing stilts that made him almost eight feet tall, and had put extenders on his fingers to give the appearance of talons. He was covered in fur and rags, with real chains hanging off his wrists and ankles so he looked like he had escaped from somewhere. He had painted an extended smile on his face, so the entire lower half of his face looked like teeth. Lastly, he had put reflective paint around his eyes so they looked bigger and brighter than they were.

He was terrifying enough that Sentinel saw several of the parents flinch at the sight of him, but the kids didn't seem scared. Ranger and Vyper must have sold the "magic sword" thing, because once the shock wore off, they ran at Fang.

"EEEEK!" Fang squealed, turning and running from the fearsome, waist-high mob. The children chased him, screaming and giggling, until Fang fell over. 

The kids pummeled him with the swords until Fang begged for mercy, saying that he'd give back all the candy. When the kids let him get up, he reached into a bag on his costume and handed each one of them a king-size candy bar. The kids then ran back to their parents, squealing with joy.

"You alright, Captain?" Sentinel asked when Fang walked over to them. He pulled out several more candy bars and handed them to Fang.

"Sweating my balls off in this thing, but otherwise I'm great." Fang sounded like he was having the time of his life, and Sentinel couldn't help but smile back. "The kids are eating this up."

They had seen about a dozen groups of kids so far, and a handful of teen groups as well. Apparently, this was a well-known thing that the Eyes did on Halloween, to the point that several neighboring towns also came to visit instead of trick-or-treating. They took over the park in Redbear and set it up with several stations giving out candy and prizes along with other volunteers. 

"Yeah they are, but I can't wait until this is over and we can start the real fun." Violet rubbed her hands together.

"You guys going to tell me what the 'real fun' is yet?" Sentinel asked.

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