The Queen

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Red. The woman is an enigma to Blanche. However she has viewed Red the first time they met at Red Ink Studio with Hunter seems like a different person to who is sitting right across from her. Red struck her as a confident and independent woman. From what Trisha has told her, Red is involved with one of the most powerful bachelors in NYC. Yet, she appears to be too comfortable and cozy with Hunter. Is it truly just friendship between them or something more? There is only one way to find out.

"Are you in love with Hunter?"

Red, who has just sipped from her glass of water, sputters a bit and coughs. "I'm sorry..." Liquid drips down her chin. She dabs at it with a napkin.

Blanche regards her, unwilling to show any emotions. "Well, are you?" The beauty with the fiery hair pops her mouth open, but Blanche feels empowered. "I think you are, and it's a real shame that you're hurting him, since he considers you as a very close old friend. You should be ashamed of yourself."

There. That should bring down the beauty a notch.

"I'm not in love with Hunter." Bee has expected a more derisive tone coming from Red, but it's not what she receives. Red's voice is even and gentle. "I care for him a lot but I'm not and never have been in love with him."

"That's a bitchy thing to say." Blanche folds her arms over her chest.

Red blinks in disbelief. "Blanche..." She props her arms over the table, threading her fingers together. "We might have gotten off the wrong foot. I came to see you to apologize for my behavior. Hunter is very dear to me. He's like the brother I never had." Red places a hand over her heart. "What I did, how I reacted when you met me was wrong. I get it now."

Blanche snorts, but it doesn't stop Red from continuing, "Before you came in, Peter... Hunter just told me the good news, that he's to become a father, and I was thrilled. I've never seen him so happy in all the years I've known him. You have given him that, and it's not anything I can ever offer him."

"Still doesn't mean you don't have feelings for him." Why Blanche insists on this is unbeknownst to her. Where she finally finds the courage to speak her mind is a result of years of suppressing it. Ever since she can remember, she has never been given a chance to express her opinions. Is what she's saying to Red necessary? Does it make sense? She's not entirely sure. All she knows, and she hates to admit it, is that Hunter deserves better than to be treated the way Red has tested him.

But what of Blanche's own treatment to him?

Sure, he's cooked for her, and his dishes have been exceptionally good, and he has sent her flowers of apologies. But he has a motive.

Meet his parents? Was he kidding?

"Are you ready to order?" A server approaches their table and distracts her from her musings.

Red smiles at her and waves for Bee to go first.

"I'll have the soup."

"Same for me," Red says, handing the server their menus.

When the man leaves, Red focuses on Bee. "Do you even like Hunter?" She doesn't come off as bitchy, but a bit curious, for sure.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Bee looks away, absent-mindedly rubbing her belly.

"You're right, but I just hope you give him a chance. There's a reason why we stayed friends. There's a reason why I trust him, Blanche. He's one of a kind. He's caring and sweet. Sure he's a bit of a player..."

"A bit? I caught him with a girl in our apartment." Bee's tone sounds rather nasty, but the words are out of her lips before she can contain them.

"Oh, I didn't know that."

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