Chapter 4

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As we're leaving I see this huge limo,my face was utter shock because I have no words,"are you ok?" Shawn says "pretty sure." I say when we get to our 'house' more like mansion! "Do you like it" says Shawn "of course it's beautiful I can't believe I actually live here,it's like my own little fairytale." I say sighing with happiness "Do you want to see your room? "of course!" We walk up 4 flights of stairs and I'm so out of breath I really need to exercise more but eventually we make it there my room is beautiful ,the walls are teal and black,a huge walk in closet and my own bathroom this is like heaven I can't believe I live here. On my way back down the stairs I may have missed a step and well I fell down 3 fights of stairs,my whole life flashed before my very eyes but you know what's new?
"you good?" Shawn says while stifling a laugh "I was coming to ask if you wanted to go to the mall but you came down faster than I expected"

Wow I've never been here before I said really? Shawn acts surprised well let's go shopping I said. He ask me where I won't to go I say rue 21 Aèropostal,sports addition Clare's and the Apple Store!Ok let's go Shawn says so we go to Aèropostal first I get all colors of hoodies and 10 shirts we go to Claire's and I get 5 iPhone 5s cases bc I'm getting one!!!!!! And 3 purses and 2 backpacks and 6 headbands. When we go to sports addition I get Jordan's and Nike roshis! And at rue 21 I get a lot of cute shirts then we go in other places and I get a lot of boots. On our way back home Shawn says well tonight do you want to have a daddy daughter night? YES OF COURSE. Then I hug him and say I love you daddy. When we get home I cook us some dinner we have chicken and curly fries after that me and my dad go to the Apple Store and I get an iPhone 5s and put one of my cases on it I get a MacBook Air and a case and also an IPod then we go back home and watch Netflix! Then I think....... How could I have such a great life☺️

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