Chapter 5

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Mackenzies pov

When I woke up I smelled bacon and so literally put my hair in a messy bun and then went down stairs and I still can't believe that this is my life................ when I get downstairs daddy is cooking and omg I guess he is an awesome cook bc it was amazing after that I go back to my room and take a shower I wore lace shorts and an Aèropostal hoodie and my roshis my hair  I straighten it and brush my teeth and put on my makeup. When I go downstairs everything is like blurry like I try to read things far away and I can't read it so I tell dad and he says that we are going to the eye doctor at 2:40 but while we wait we are going to do some things like go to the factory go sign me up for softball and volleyball then 2:30 rolls around so we make out way to the eye doctor and we make it there just in time so they call me back right after we get there when we go back they dialate my eyes and then I get tested and they tell me I need glasses so we go back out and I get some glasses they said They should be in,in about 7-10 days.

I know it's short but I'll update soon bye 😩💖😘😂😋😶👌🍕💋

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