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"Seokjin, please, please wake up-" Namjoon cried, shaking Seokjin violently as the girl began making her way at their direction. He could feel his heart beating into his throat and his vision getting blurry from how shocked and scared he was. His eyes rolled at the back of his head as he tried to maintain his consciousness and kept shaking Seokjin.

The girl was getting closer and closer while holding Namjoon at her gunpoint and Namjoon said every prayer in himself not to be shot too by this phychotic person.

He cupped Seokjin's cheek with his shaky hand and let out a small whimper, feeling his heart combusting into million pieces as he stared at the love of his life's peaceful, sleepy face. How was this even possible? Why was this happening to him?

He prayed to god that this was some kind of a joke or a hidden camera prank because he couldn't possibly accept the fact that Seokjin was hurt and bleeding heavily right in front of his own eyes.

Namjoon looked up when he heart a heel stop right behind his head. He slowly turned around and looked up at her, his breath hitching into his throat. He threw himself at Seokjin and hugged the male tightly before a loud gunshot along with Namjoon's horrified scream were heard.

Namjoon panted, waiting for a wave of pain to overcome his body but he felt nothing. He pulled away from Seokjin and his eyes widened when he saw the girl laying down on her stomach, a pool of blood under her hair and a gun inside her hand.

Namjoon felt like he was going to pass out again. He wasn't strong enough to stop his sobs from coming out. He didn't know whether he should be sad or happy that he was well and alive.

The door was pushed open forcefully and Namjoon felt the weight falling off of him when he saw Hoseok and the others, as well as a few emergency medial workers and police behind them.

"Namjoon! What the fuck happened here?" Hoseok shouted, his eyes widening as soon as he saw Seokjin laying beside him, his leg completely covered in blood.

Taehyung let out out a choked cry and started running up to them, throwing himself down onto his knees as he cupped Seokjin's face and started shaking him.

Yoongi stood there, his phone falling from his hand down to the floor, as he watched them gathering around Seokjin's body. He frowned.

Since Namjoon was not hurt as the other two were, they first went to check up onto Seokjin and the girl. A nurse rolled her over to see if she was alive but a hole on her forehead made her believe otherwise.

"Oh my God, this girl -" Hoseok said and ran his fingers through his hair. He placed his hand over his mouth and looked away from her.

"Sir, is there something wrong?"

"That's Minsoo. She went to the same high school with Seokjin and I. She was diagnosed mentally unstable back in the days and transferred to a mental clinic. I don't know how the hell she managed to escape." He spoke.

"03:00, death confirmed. What should we do, sir?" A nurse asked the man in blue medical coat who shook his head.

"Get her in the back of the second ambulance van, I will check up onto the guy-" A doctor said and knelt down, careful not to step into blood as he placed two fingers at Seokjin's vital spot on his neck. "He is alive. We need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible."

They all let out gasps of relief, Namjoon bursting into tears as soon as those words left his mouth. Taehyung and Hoseok helped Namjoon up and held him tightly to each other as they made their behind medial staff.

Two police officers were standing at the door and were about to launch dozens of questions at Namjoon but Taehyung glared at them. Hoseok raised his hand and they nodded before stepping away from the boy.

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