Chapter 3

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Changed Plans

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Changed Plans

        The next morning came into a daze and from the brutality of training they pursue yesterday, a vacancy of one day was given in lieu of the member's preparation for the upcoming mission. Jeongyeon passed along the training hall, still in a cloudy state, where she finds it cleanly empty. The lines of rooms in the hallway were rather desolated. She must have been overslept, minutes or maybe an hour. A grunt escaped her lips when an ache soothed her temples, getting enough sleep was an impossible task for her. She had always been struggling on that part, having deliberately no choice but to straddle around the corridors, find herself entertained before sleep knocks her out.

         It was always those nasty dreams.

         Always the nightmares.

         A set of faint laughter echoed not far ahead when Momo appeared unannounced, watched Jeongyeon for a while before finally taking the lead to speak.

        "I was going to check on you but now that you're here," She trailed, looked at her from head to toe and flashed a dissatisfied expression. "Are you alright? You look..."

        Jeongyeon showed a serene smile, followed by a blunt greeting. "Yeah, morning momoring."

        Her eyes slightly widened at the sight, only realizing what cost she had done. She had been the mother of the group, always settling with everyone's needs despite hers but looking at the wound that she caused, guilt enveloped her.

        "I'm sorry." Jeongyeon worriedly said, almost touching the slit on Momo's lips not until a soft chuckle betrayed her. "That looks awful. I must have been that rough, huh? And strong."

        The other rolled her eyes. "Stop hanging out with Park, he's toying with your confidence lately."

        Jeongyeon laughed, quickly changed into distinct gentleness and care.

        "But really, I'm sorry. That must have hurt real bad. Let me help you with your wounds Momo, it's the least I could do for lashing out my anger on you."

        "I'm fine." The latter persisted. "It's partially my fault anyway and besides, I can always cover this up, with you know, lipstick." She gave her a foolish wink before buckling a chuckle. "I'm sorry too Jeongyeon-ah, I'm glad I hadn't broken your nose. I can't imagine what I will do if I did."

        Jeongyeon only shook her head in humility. She can't lie, her muscles do still sore every time she flexes her hands or knees but it had been a part of her. A part of everyone. They hadn't gone a day without feeling a sense of struggle, physically and mentally, they hadn't gone past through a week without grief and just what the chief had said, pain is a great discipline. It always had been. The two started walking into the gathering hall, wherein a span of seconds, greeted by those constant giggles and laughter but even before they could pass the intersection, Momo called her attention once more.

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