Chapter 7

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Behind the Name

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Behind the Name

        Jeongyeon strikes the middle of the punching bag with her leg, a perfect kick, stable, but wasn't strong enough. She pitied herself, hated the appearing weakness she had now. What was the point of throwing her into this mission, she once again questioned herself? Because Seokjin trusts you and because you're a step advanced than the others, you're skilled. Why... with Taehyung? Because he's good at keeping you alive.

        She faltered — pausing idly when her mind drifted through those thoughts. She must have changed drastically, in terms of her prowess and performance in the field, she was nowhere near the old Jeongyeon. She doesn't have that flame anymore, that sharp instinct she easily carries. It's gone, and that's why he's here, to initially keep her breathing... beating.

        Jeongyeon went back to her stance, eyes drawn together.

        "What is wrong with you?" She asked, planting a sharp punch on the bag, hoping for the contact to finally shake some sense into her.

        "You weren't this... weak, Jeongyeon-ah." She hissed, throw another jab. "You're unstoppable. You're —"


        Despite the focus she maintained, nothing but a call of her surname had splintered it into pieces. But she didn't show, didn't display she was caught of the voice behind, or the pair of eyes falling heavily on her back. Jeongyeon took a deep breath, and with one burst of her strength, throw a jab on the body of the bag.

        "I'm busy."

        "This is important."

        Jeongyeon stopped in the middle of her workout, but she didn't turn around to look at him, asked him what the matter is about as he came here to barged in.

        "Give me... ten minutes."

        "Being hard-headed again, are we?" She heard him say, the exact strain in his baritone voice just like last night.

        "I said ten more minutes, 95."

        He didn't answer, didn't pose any more argument, but she still could feel the sense of being watched. Jeongyeon relaxed her shoulders, she was used to being the apple of an eye, the one that garners attention during training — she was used to it, being intently watched while she challenges the life of her opponent, but there's something now that she can't shake off.

        As if she could feel the tension in the air, Jeongyeon felt oddly exposed.

        Taehyung looked at her every movement, tensed he noticed, but he didn't listen. Didn't gave her the privacy she'd asked. When he should've left, he found himself walking towards her direction silently as a cat, with that stoic expression as he observes her.

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