Chapter 5

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        It was weeks, or so nearly a month after their last mission, and as if the days had passed by in a blur, it felt like it only happened yesterday. The memories were raw, the flashbacks of the searing pain heated upon her skin every time she goes back, but reminiscing such tragic events was unnecessarily needed; a waste of energy and mentality, Jeongyeon thought. Especially for a job like this.

        The most important thing is that they haven't encountered any casualties now.

        Not yet.

        But she felt once again the heaviness of the air, her chest coiled of his words — Seokjin's, that she can't even have the right words to answer; or the amount of courage to speak for herself.

        "You can't do that."

         The commander opened a file on his desk, looked at her for a second longer.

         "I can, Jeongyeon, and nothing's going to change my mind."

         "You can't do this." She said again, coming closer and closer any minute. The door had been closed behind, and she wished she could just storm outside and leave this conversation to rot, but Jeongyeon knows she had no power over that.

        "I can prove you wrong, Seokjin. You just have to give me time." She pressed.

        "The reports said otherwise." He answered, scanning through the files for another second. "Jeongyeon, we've already accomplished two missions. That's plenty of time — I was hoping to see you get back on track, but it had been the other way around."

        She stands on her ground, meaning to rip off the stack of papers on his desk, at least clean her record and ask for another chance. But this is Seokjin; he had always been stern of his own decisions.

         "What? That I'm not competent enough?" Jeongyeon asked with brevity in her voice.

         "No." He said. "What I was saying is you can't always charge in front without thinking. You'll get yourself killed."

         "But I'm still here, right?"

          Seokjin groaned under his breath.

         "Jeongyeon-ah, I'm serious about this." He said, lower than his usual tone. "I've been notified that you've almost taken a risky step — almost put your team in danger, put yourself in a thin line. If it hadn't for Taehyung saving your ass for the last missions, you probably had been six feet underground now."

        She massaged her temples, her pride scanted with the mention of his name — a rookie in the job who had just been in the organization for at least a month. But Seokjin was right; she wouldn't be here standing in the flesh if it weren't for him. She could have easily been shot the past weeks because of her extensive control to kill the man that hid at the empty carriage of the cargo truck. She remembered she was weaponless. Gun against a fucking knife. She could've been struck at the ribs, at her thigh, wherever places her bulletproof vest can't protect, but he was there to pull her in such a cruel time.

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