Chapter 39

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*Sandra's POV*

"What?" I ask Alexis.

He ignores me and gets in the car. 

"Alexis. I'm talking to you!" I say and get inside the car.

He ignores me.

"Alexis!" I yell.

"What?!?! YOu heard me already!" He yells back.

Mahogany, Bart, Valerie, and my mom get inside the car. MY mom turns the car on and starts driving. Everybody was quiet except Alexis and I. We kept fighting.

"Why didn't you ever tell me!?" I ask him.

"Because! It doesn't even matter anymore. Just leave me alone." ALexis says and looks away.

"Mom why didn't you ever tell me?!?" I yell at her.

"Sandra! Shut up. We'll discuss this at home." Mother yells at me. From the back I see Valerie calming her down.

So many secrets in this family. We have no trust between eachother. My mom never told me Alexis was adopted. Just like I never told her Chris raped me. I wish I could go back in time and fix all of this. I don't know what I would change.... 

We got home and I stormed off the car. Tears coming down my face, I waited for somebody to open the house door.

"Sandra please calm down." Mahogany rushes over to me.

"I just can't." I cry.

My mother opens the door and I rush in. I could feel Mahogany's presence behind me.

"Sandra your staying here! We all seriously got to talk." My mom sounded mad.

I turn around and plop in the couch. 

"Just stay calm." Mahogany whispers in my ear. Her warm breathe send shivers down my spine.

Mahogany's mom was comforting my mom, Bart was comfortimg Alexis. 

They all at down in the living room.

"Mom, why didn't you tell me Alexis is adopted?" I ask wiping my tears away. 

My make up is probably all mest up. That's not the point right now though. 

"Why didn't you tell me that Chris raped you?" Mom ignores my question.

I groan in anger.

"I don't mean to get involved in family problems but ignoring questions like this isn't going to solve anything." Valerie tells us.

"Yeah exactly." I agree with her.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid you woudl've seen Alexis different or treat him different. I just felt like you weren't ready to know." She tells me.

Her words made me cry even more. "What ever happens I'll always see Alexis as a brother." I say and burst out in tears again.

All this is making me an emotional wreck. 

*Alexis POV*

 "What ever happens I'll always see Alexis as a brother."  Sandra says.

Her words made me cry. I've been such a bad person with her...

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sandra asks me crying.

"Because... I've always been such a bad person with you. I knew that you would've hate me and see me as nothing.. You probably already do." I say running a hand through my hair.

Bi-Sexual Love (Mahogany *Lox* Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat