Chapter 6

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*Sandra's Pov*

"Sandra??" I feel someone lightly shake me.

My eyes felt heavy but I was managing to open them.

It was Alexis.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Are you okay?" My brother asks me.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks me. "You seem so sad." He adds.

"No I'm fine." I tell him.

"Well I'm sorry for teasing you." He apologizes.

"Why are you apologizing? Thats weird." I tell him.

"Ai at least I'm apologizing." He says.

"Mm true." I say then sigh.

"Don't be sad!" He says and smacks my arm.

"Ow! That hurt you idiot!" I yell in pain.

"Dam, sorry!" He screams at me.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" I yell at Alexis.

"What the fuck did I do to you so you can act like a fucken bitch?!? And why does it even hurt?!?!? Dramatic bitch." Alexis tells me.

"Just get out my room please." I say and cry.

"What ever." He says and leaves me room.

I sit down on my bed and lift up my sleeves, revealing the cuts that were done today.

"Eew." I say.

I've never thought I would have these on me.

Tears streaming down my cheeks, falling on my arm.

It caused a little sting that I actually liked.

I don't really know much about cutting. So I decided I should look up information.

I look my door and take out my laptop. I wait for it to turn on then go on google chrome, and into google.

"What is selfharm?" I typed in.

I searched it and clicked on one of the options.

"What self harm really is." The page said.

"Self harm is another way of saying cutting. Most teenage girls are doing this, some guys also self harm. Why? Because to them it makes their pain go away and it feels good to them. But that doesn't mean you should do it. Self harm is another way of escaping the world. Self harm is being suicidal. Self harm is not the only suicidal thing. Self harm is getting hurt by others so you hurt yourself. Self harm is grabbing a blade and opening up your skin. How do you self harm? There's different way to self harm. Razor blade, blade, knife, sharpeners and etc.... This is not saying to go cut yourself its just saying what self harm really is. If you self harm you need to find professional help. Don't hurt yourself because our worth it.

What leads to selfharm? A lot of things lead to self harm. For example abuse, rape, bullying, depression, and other things." I read off the page.

Wooow. I need more.

I go back to google and google up "What I need to know about self harm."

I clicked on a page and started reading.

"First thing you need to learn about self harm is that you cant let anyone know or they''ll think your crazy.

Second thing is to not make it obvious or cut in obvious places. If you cut your arms use bracelets to cover them. (If you wear a sweater while its 100 degrees they will know something is wrong.

Third thing is that a lot of use don't cut to kill ourselves se cit to relief pain, so don't go to deep in and be careful what you use.

Fourth thing is that if you carry a blade with you at school be very careful and don't get caught.

Fifth thing is that you don't need to it because your beautiful and you can get through this." I read all the five paragraphs.

"I fucken hate you Sierra." I say in tears.

I grab my bag and take out the blade Sierra gave me.

This is such a bad idea.

I grab the blade, scared, and press it on my arm.

My arm was shaking, I slowly slide it across and a little red line of blood appears.

"Sandra open the door." My mom says while she knocks.

"I, um, going!" I say and put away my blade ad wipe my tears.

I close my laptop and pull my sleeves down, then I open the door.

"Time for bed hun. Whats wrong? Alexis told me what happened." She asks me.

"Its cause I was annoyed at the moment and he smacked me and I got mad and over reacted."I lie.

"Oh alright." She tells me.

"I'm going to take a shower." I say grabbing my pj's.

"Okay." She says and leaves.

I go into the bathroom and get ready to shower.


Hey guys!!!! I'm really sorry i haven't updated 😭😭 please forgive me. I've been so busy trying to get grades up so I could culminate and I did it!!!! #ClassOf2014 I culminated middle school and now ready to high school. I'm going to try to update as much as possible before Tuesday, because I might leave to Mexico and I wont really be able to update over there. Sorry for the sucky chapter 😒 Lol Well I culminated on thursday, and I told my crush I like him and omfg his reaction was so cute.

Well I'm going to go update for my other book then I'll be back over here.

Thanks for all the reads and votes you guys are amazing 💞

Love you all!

~Crazy Mofo~

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