Cant you see me?

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Morks POV

The universitys library wasnt so filled like I thought in the late evening. To get more informations on the assignment I decided to go to the library and look for the book that our professor recommended to us. I walked through countless bookshelfs filled with different books. Small, thick, old, dusty and colorful books categorized in each department fields. Engineering, political science, business,...and medicine. There it is. I looked over the titles and my gaze drifted away towards the few students left sitting at the desks to study. And one of them caught my attention. The boy at the corner of the second row. Sitting next to the wall, his head resting on his crossed arms. 

Pi, why is he still here? His class should have ended long ago and he usually goes straight home except if he wanted to see Nan... 

I looked around but didnt see Nan anywhere in this room. My eyes went back to the boy sleeping peacefully in the silence and fixed him in my vision. Slowly and quietly I approached him to see his facial features even clearer and more defined. His face was directed towards me as I crossed my arm and rested my head on my arms too so I could admire his sleeping face. A cute pointy nose, closed eyes and thin eyebrows were put perfectly on his handsome face. His lips were covered by his arms so I couldnt see if he was maybe drooling which would be kind of cute too... I gently pulled the chair next to him and sat down. My heart already went overboard with 130bpm, maybe. My cheeks probably taking over the color of a light pink like cotton candy. But its just natural whenever I see him. 

I cant resist his charm, huh? Yeah, he is the only one who makes me feel this way for the first time in my life. Everyone approaches me because of my good looks, my intelligence and my wealth. But Pi never mentioned any of those when we meet. He even tries to avoid me instead of chasing me like Nan. Being so kindhearted and pure like an angel is just his way. And I caught feelings for the way you are. 

I slowly reached out my hands and gently brushed away some hair strands on his forehead. 

Pi...Cant you see? I'm the right vaccine for your disease, so stop denying your feelings for me, will you? I want to take care of you, on good days, on bad days. See you smiling and make you smile even more. WHen you cry I want to hold you in my arms and take away your pain and protect you with all that I have. My whole mind and day revolves around you. Day and night are the same as you are to me...everything I need and want. 

Pi's POV

I am not sure but I heared someone...Someone calling my name?

Still half asleep I opened my eyes. The light poured into my senses. Slowly my eyesight adjusted to the light and I saw the silhouette of a person sitting next to me. 

After a few seconds I realized the resting face just a few inches away from me. It belonged to the good looking and popular med student Mork. I was flustered as why he sat so close to me and probably saw me sleeping. All out of a sudden I felt my heart throb. My face heating up and my heartbeat making a whole new rhythm as if playing a mix of rock and classic.

Mork?? I didnt expect to see him out of nowhere... Shia, I hope I didnt sleep talk or drooled...!!

I wiped my mouth and thankfully I didnt drool. My eyes wandered back to the guy sleeping next to me. 

How long has he been sitting here already? It must be pretty late. Did his class end late? Did he eat yet?

One question after another popped up on my mind but I still couldnt bring myself to free my gaze from him for whatever reason. 

Then to my surprise his brows frowned and his eyes gently opened. And we stared deep into each others eyes. As if we could exchange words through our eyes without using our mouths to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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