The new me, first Date

642 12 10

Pi's POV

Ahh, what should I wear? I cant look like a boring middle school student who is just meeting a friend... How can I impress Nan? I even changed my looks so that people wouldnt look down on me and say that I ruin his cool, handsome image.

I looked trough my tiny wardrobe which I have to share with my older brother P'Duen. But he's always stealing my clothes so actually I don't have a lot to wear. I quickly skimmed trough the set of clothes displayed in front of me and decided on a white shirt, jeans jacket and black pants combined with my new snickers which I got from my mom for my last birthday.

Muang Nan agreed to go on a date with me and we were heading to the cinema close to our university.

A bright smile appeared on my face at the thought of that.

It's the first time that we ever went out alone together and it felt like my mind is going crazy. I spent the whole night to think how to act next to him trying not to get caught. It was just so unbelievable, the most popular guy from the Meds Department watching a movie together with me, an unpopular guy who was always harassed and mocked because of my looks.

I used to wear thick glasses, braces and had no sense of fashion at all.
But now I'm going to change and show him how cool and hot my new me is.


I waited in front of the entrance of the cinema looking around if Nan was already there. But there was no trace of him. Many people passed by me and after a short while he appeared, my beloved Muang Nan wearing a black shirt under his leather jacket, his hair perfectly styled as if he was just coming from a shooting for a fashion magazine. His darkbrown eyes deeper than any ocean piercing right into my heart. His sweetly, gentle smile like an angels which made everyones heart melt into two pieces.

Slowly but elegant he approached me and I could smell a wave of his perfume.

"Hey Pi, sorry I'm late. Did you wait long?" He lightly tapped my shoulder to greet me.

"Oh Nan, no, I just arrived too." I started grinning.
He touched me! How can he be so sweet ahhh! Today will be the best day ever!

There were a lot of movies to choose from so I asked

"So what kind of movie should we watch?" I looked at him still grinning. I was swept over his good looks and what was happening right now.

Me and Nan on a date. It was my dream since last years Valentine's Day where I first meet him and fell for his kind actions. And now it's finally reality!

"Hmm, there is a lot indeed. I like action movies a lot, what about you, Pi?"

"I love watching everything! You can just choose whatever you like." I smiled sweetly at him. I was kinda nervous being close to him but so happy to have this opportunity that i dont really care about anything. I just want to stay by his side.

After a few minutes Nan decided on the movie so I bought the tickets and popcorn and we headed to the cinema room. I was really excited to sit next to him as the seats are really close to each other.

Maybe there will be a chance to grab his hands, ahh that would be so sweet!

We entered the room and looked for our seat but then a familiar face greeted us.
"Oh, Nan, you're here too." Mork stood up from his seat and waved at Nan.

Oiii, why does he always appear around Nan and interrupts our sweet moments?! Ai Sutt! Can't you be alone for one day and let me enjoy my date with Nan? Hmm, I'm so pissed!

Mork must have seen my uncomfortable face due to his unexpected apperance and started talking.

"Why? Can't I be here too? It's not like you rented out this room only for Nan and you, right?"

Aaaaargh, his annoyingly handsome face smirking just to tease me and increase my anger made me boil like a volcano before it's volcanic eruption. But true, I couldn't argue with him. He beat me in everything possible. His good looks, his charms, his smart brain and he was close to Nan long before they entered university, long before I met Nan that day. I was jealous. But I can't give up just now since I've come so far and Nan finally agreed to hang out with me. Whatever comes, Ai Sutthaya, just watch me, I'm gonna make Nan fall for me and make you look pathetic hahahahaha

"Oi, oi "

Lost in my thoughts I finally snapped out hearing someone calling me.

"Huh? What?"

"Aren't you going to sit down?" Nan looked at me, a look mixed of confusion and worries why I was just standing there and daydreaming.

"The movie is about to start."

"Oh yeah, let's sit down." I walked towards the seats still lost in thoughts when I lost my balance and stumbled over the stairs leading towards our seat row.

Ahh no, why does it have to happen right now? Nan is here, why are you so clumsy man. You're cool image is ruined now!

I closed my eyes and prepared to get hit by the hard floor but unexpectedly I didn't fall... I sensed a strong pair of arms catching me from my unfortune stumble and preventing me to fall over. I slowly opened my eyes and saw two beautifully shaped eyes directed to me.

Those eyes didn't belong to Nan for sure... So it can only be... Ai Sutthaya!! Why must it be him?! Ahhh so embarrassing! Nan is probably watching too... But...why is he looking at me like that? I never saw him with that facial expression... Ahh nevermind...

But looking closely his face is really handsome, shit! Tall nose bridge, his shiny dark brown eyes showing my own reflection, his mysterious gaze hiding his thoughts at this very moment. And his two arms holding me strongly as if he was protecting me and causing my mind to overflow with unnecessary thoughts which I cant stop. From the spot where he is touching me I can feel a strange tingle and a burning sensation spreading and making my heart beat five- no ten times faster then normal. Why am I feeling like this? What is this feeling? I like Muang Nan, not him!

Blood rushed from my heart through my whole body and painted my face in a cute reddish color. My cheecks started to burn from my heated blood pressure.

 My cheecks started to burn from my heated blood pressure

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How long does he intend to hold me like this?!

"Ai Sutt, let me go!"

Embarrassed I freed myself from his firm grip and sat down on the next empty seat next to me.

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