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Sunshines came in through the window, announcing that another day had begun. Baekhyun had woken up a little while ago, a little stunned, but when he realized who was on his side, he couldn't hide a smile. Her hair perfectly spread across the pillow, her mouth slightly open, her breathing calm. Baekhyun could have sworn he had died and gone to paradise because he was sure that Hera was the most beautiful angel he had ever seen.

Hera was waking up little by little, when she realized that Baekhyun was watching her, she smiled and hid her face on the pillow.

- You know how to embarrass me. - She said in a muffled voice because of the pillow.

- I am not to blame if you are even more beautiful when you wake up. - They both laughed. - Good Morning.

- Good Morning.


After that day, Baekhyun's visits became more constant at Hera's house, as well as the times he slept there. As much as he liked it, he kept asking himself if he was bothering his girlfriend, or if he was rushing things too much.

On the other hand, Hera was getting even more involved with Baekhyun. She was enchanted by the singer's funny and strangely romantic way and was willing to take an important step in the relationship, but, like Baekhyun, she was worried about rushing things along.

Hera's vacation was over and meetings with Baekhyun were happening less often, mainly due to the final preparations for his tour.

After another day of work, Joohyun and Hera decided to go out to dinner, as they had not done so in a long time.

- And how is your relationship with Baekhyun? I haven't seen him for so long.

- It's great. He is very busy because of the rehearsals for the tour, while we are not seeing so much... - Hera replied. It was noticeable that she was sad that she didn't see her boyfriend so much, but she knew this was his job. But something seemed to be bothering Hera and Joohyun realized that.

- Are you sure you are like this just because of this?

- Actually, I'm a little worried. - Joohyun motioned for Hera to continue talking. - As you know, Baekhyun already slept with me a few times. Sometimes he spent more time in my apartment than in his and I feel that we should make progress in our relationship.

- Do you want to live with him?

- No! I feel great in my tiny apartment. - The two laughed. - I don't quite know how to explain it, but I think I'm ready to be something more with him.

Joohyun was starting to understand what Hera meant. She couldn't help but laugh, because her friend was clearly ashamed to talk about it, but she felt she needed it.

- Do not laugh! This is a serious thing! I wanted to say that to him, but I didn't want to look desperate.

- Hera, when it happens, it will happen. You don't have to despair. Are you really ready to have something more serious with him? - Hera just agreed. - Do you trust him and are you sure he is the right person?

- I have no doubt of that.

- So, no need to worry! For many, Baekhyun is a famous singer, but for you, he is the man you love.

After that conversation with Joohyun, Hera felt more relieved and confident. She was always afraid and, as much as she loved Baekhyun, sometimes she felt that she was not good enough for him. It could not undo the fact that Baekhyun was one of the most famous singers in Korea. He could have slept with many women already, had wonderful nights. But, whenever that insecurity appeared, she remembered all the incredible moments she had lived with him and all the love she felt for him.

Press Conference (Baekhyun x Z.Hera) ENWhere stories live. Discover now