~ chapter eight ~

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              - under the moonlight -

You already knew who it was and wanted nothing to do with her
You weren't going to waste time on another one of her games so you ignored her and ran off.

It has been maybe a day or so on your trip to mondstat you were running low on food and were in desperate need of a shower, lucky for you there was an inn not far ahead you knew it was a risk to go but it was better then starving.
You signed into your room took a nice warm shower then ordered some room service as you awaited your food you flopped down on the soft bed.
Your vision slowly faded as you felt yourself drift to sleep..


That was probably your food opening the door excitedly expecting your food.

"Ehm, good evening" ningguang spoke

"God just let me eat first at least" you said begrudgingly

She looked a bit hurt by your words 'odd' you thought to yourself

"Uh here's your food I convinced room service to let me bring it to you" she smiled

'How unusually kind of her'
Digging into your meal it might have been the best food you had ever had or maybe it was just because you were so hungry.
Finishing you food you stood up putting your hands in front of ningguang.

"What are you doing y/n"

"Your going to arrest me I thought I'd make it easy on you"

"No! I mean no that's not what I wanted to do"

"Oh okay so what is it?" You questioned

"just meet me outside of the inn tonight
on the rooftop please" she asked

"Why at night?"

"I'd just like you to be well rested you look a bit tired"

She was oddly caring today what was going to happen tonight?

"I'll see you tonight then"

she said walking out the door glancing at you before she closed it.

- at night -

As you walked up the stairs of the inn she came into sight, her long silk like hair waved slightly in the cool breeze

"oh your here I'm surprised you came"

She smiled at you her amber eyes twinkling slightly under the moons light
You walked closer to her until you were just a few steps away from her

"I'm glad you came"

She said now holding your hand in hers she smiled slightly at you but she looked nervous at the same time

"So what is it?" Yo say blushing slightly at her touch

"First off I didn't know the guard was behind me, now please I know what your going to say so just let me speak"

As much as you wanted leave and get out of the inn, you decided to hear her out since you wouldn't ever be in liyue again.

"Fine just make it quick"

Ningguang looked relieved at your words she took a deep breath but looked a bit hurt by your harsh words.

"I want you stay y/n please just stay here in liyue with me I promise I'll keep you safe I just don't want to leave you again"

Her eyes started to tear up as she pleaded

"Please don't go I want to stay with you, I know that it's not safe but"

Her voice caught in her throat tears now streaming down her face

"But id rather die then see you go!"

She cried out
You were speechless you had this idea in your head that she was out to get you constantly but did she really did love you..
or was this another game?
No matter if it was or not you couldn't resist running into her embrace,
Feeling her arms wrap around you her tears started to quiet, you finally felt at home and safe for the first time in maybe forever.
She let go from the hug smiling down at you she wiped a tear from her cheek

" I know we've had are differences but we've been through a lot together and I can't stand here and not tell you that"

She took a deep breath looking deep into your eyes

"I love you y/n"

"I.. I love you to ningguang"

She pulled you close to her intertwining he fingers with yours, her face dusted by moonlight she stared deep into your eyes then slowly she leaned in and..
she kissed you softly her soft lips against yours, you had never felt such bliss
But as quick as it happened it ended much to your dismay she pulled away.

Her eyes then turned to the sky as did yours still close in her embrace

"The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it y/n"

P A P E R   S N O W [ningguang x reader]Where stories live. Discover now