Chapter Six:

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"KID the Phantom Thief said he'd be here at 10:00 pm on the dot! All right, synchronize your watches. Let's see, right now, it is-"

"2015 CE. February 3, Tuesday. 8:50:16.05 pm. My watch is never off more than 0.001 seconds in a year. For your information." Hakuba put his pocket watch back and turned to the flabbergasted Inspector.

"Y-You're that guy that just got back from London." Hakuba looked fairly pleased with his fame.

"I'm Hakuba Saguru. Nice to meet you." But unfortunate for Hakuba, Nakamori wasn't having it.

"Get lost! This is no place for amateurs. Shoo! Shoo!" And then in a strange turn of events.

"Come now Nakamori-kun," In comes the Commissioner with me following behind." Don't be such a hard-ass."

"C-Commissioner Hakuba!"

Mr. Hakuba smiled," That's my son. Unfortunately, all this media adulation has gone to his head. I'm hoping you'll show him up here so he learns just how tough a crime scene can be," he then turned towards me. "But if all else fails I have Miss Kudou here to diffuse the tension."

Inspector Nakamori quickly spun to the Commissioner and stuck up a salute." In that case, leave it to me, Nakamori Ginzo!" Hakuba's dad clapped and praised Nakamori. Meanwhile, Nakamori in true dad fashion slapped his hand on the hotshot teen beside me and gave him an ol' rundown.
I could see how Hakuba didn't respect Nakamori the way he should do when he started quizzing Nakamori on all things KID. I wasn't surprised.

"What is the Phantom Thief's gender?" Male, I could feel that much. Nakamori gave a flimsy answer before he was drowned out by Hakuba.

"How old is he?" Most likely a year older than me due to his voice.

"When was he born?" In the late 1990s.

"What's his blood type?" Haven't got a sample.

"What type of woman does he like?" It's a bit presumptuous but I'd love to say it's me. It took quite a bit to stifle my giggle.

"What kind of cologne does he wear?" Brazilian orange, and Sicilian Lime, there was of spice but that was likely from a deodorant.

"How tall is he?" At the most 180cm due to his shoes and hat.

"How much does he weigh?" Not enough to make the football team.

"What's his body type?" Athletic, a track team coach would pester him.

"What's his hairstyle? His hobbies? His favorite baseball team?!" Bedhead, kidnapping girls from rooftops and their bedrooms. That one I couldn't say but probably local.

"I-I dunno..." I felt bad for Nakamori; Hakuba was definitely overwhelming. Hakuba squeezed past him, throwing out a quick excuse before strutting off. Now I know that Kaito KID had disappeared eight years ago before his resurgence but the fact is that that would mean KIDs could at least be 30 which doesn't bode well in the long run so the more obvious choice is that he has had a successor.
It makes me think why he would even had a resurrection. What was the catalyst that made KID have an appearance eight years later?


I leaned up against the window watching as the snow piled up on the cars outside. Seeing as the last policeman came back inside from his break, I meandered my way to the second floor. Sometime during this Hakuba went outside and then the clock hit 10.

A pink smoke befell around Adam's smile and disappeared to reveal a note hiding the painting beneath from the police. It was effective for now, I watched as the police ran to find the phantom thief. I kept my eyes on the lone police officer as he started to work away at the painting. I kept silent it was not my plan to interfere with KIDs work tonight. Hakuba could take the lead while watch and learn.

"Still, I'm surprised they fell for such a simple trick."

"I know." Hakuba had made his way back to the floor I see and began his deductions." It was an extremely elementary trick." God, what are you Shinichi, again with Holmes. "When something isn't where it's supposed to be, people assume that it's disappeared. It's a sensory trick. Not even magic shows use them these days." KID, still disguised, slowly rose from his spot on the floor. "You're one minute, 13.02 seconds late, KID the Phantom Thief."

God, he is wasting time just standing there. I presume Kid has a backup plan by now because I saw the rope cut at the window earlier. KID shook out his arm," Well I got held up by the snow." He threw down a smoker and there was KID just two feet in front of the shadows I concealed myself in. He was handsome and I could more accurately investigate him. His hair was black and he wore a monocle with a clover pendant hanging from it. He's handsome, to say the least. "It seems you weren't so quick on the uptake with this trick, huh?" I slipped a note into KID's pocket, takes one to know one. Although I don't use these skills for the same reason.

"Oh, that's right. I cut your rope" KID was surprised and kept an even face. "After the magic show, did you intend to perform a circus act? Also, I set free the ad balloon that was on the roof." I could hear my heart call out for the turtles. Mm so he had contingency plans. Was he planning on picking up the balloon later?

"Is that right?"

"You've got no escape route now." Hakuba made a slow walk to KID, and I don't think he cared to notice I was there. KID the Phantom Thief, true identity unknown, it's time for everything to come to light."

How presumptuous of you Hakuba.

"Secrets are everything to a magician." Damn it Hakuba you've made him reckless. This is why I left London. "And I won't let mine come to light that easily."

"A hang glider..." Yes Hakuba, a hang glider you know the thing you could have put together if you had researched a little more on the current trends. "Just like Batman..."

"Batman is a comic book hero. He doesn't really exist." KID leaped from the window," Excuse me."

"You fool. How are you supposed to figure out his identity now, Hakuba?"

"Did you know it's a north by northwest wind tonight, seven on the wind scale?"

"I'm aware."

"Not conducive to wind flights." I watched as Kaito pointed toward the police squad by the ice rink. I scaled my way down the banister and jogged around the rink just as KID split into two. I studied the two before focusing on the one falling on his ass.


"Bad at ice skating, huh doll?" Kaito whipped his head towards me as I quickly raised my hands in innocence." Don't worry ~ I'm not here to catch you tonight that would be boring. I'd like you to check your pocket though."

He backed up against a tree facing away from the rink." This is a phone number?"

"I know, doll. It's getting annoying calling the precincts to join the fun. So I'd like you to give me a head up." I kept my voice flirty and slowly backed KID up against another tree before lifting his hand. He kept his hat tilted down letting the shadows obscure his face. I could feel his pulse dancing, quite a cute difference from his poker face. I looked into his eyes as I kissed his hand." It's up to you though, doll."

"I'll see about it, Meitantei~" It was adorably cute how he kept trying to pull one over me. I suppose I must have some kind of effect on him. Normally he is the one wooing but it safe to say a attempt like mine has happened. Still holding his hand, I gave his wrist another kiss before backing away into the night.


*OLD* In Your Arms After Midnight Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora