Chapter Two:

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The Heist

Third-person Pov
2 am one hour until the heist

'What the hell is that noise?!!!' Even with Shinichi's genius ability to solve mysteries, he could not for the life of him, put the pieces together to solve this, so he headed afoot with his intuition alone.
As he slowly got out of bed, he began to hear that irritating noise more clearly.' It's coming from the right.' he realized.' Walking down the hall, following the noise, he heard it was coming from behind a familiar door.
"What hell is going on here?!" He croaked. He flickered on the lights to a squinty-eyed girl.
Takara turned, "Cereal?"
"It's 2:30 in the morning," Shinichi fussed as he glanced at the clock," Go to bed!"
"The dead never sleep!" Her face puffed with indifference to his concern.
"Yeah, well this one does" he promptly whipped the cereal away and cocooned her in her blankets. Fortunately, he is adept in tying up criminals, the girl struggled with all her might, it was as futile as going against fate. Watching her utterly helpless, he grinned, "Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite."
"You! You are the bed bug!" What once was indifference rapidly changed to frustration."Get back here you scoundrel!" Her lungs alone could not express her injustice. " MY CEREAL!!"
"And she wonders why she's so tired in the morning"
His steps falter and he whips his head back into the room. " I thought you said, 'At that forsaken hour, count me out!'"
"Well I'm already awake so why not!"
" Get ready then. We leave in about fifteen minutes."

Takara's POV
2:40 am at the heist

"Have I ever mentioned how boring stakeouts are?"
"Haaa? This isn't a stakeout it's an apprehension of a criminal."
"But how bad is he really? Honestly! He's never stolen anything right!"
"Ah, but he has evaded the police for several years!"
"Oof. Cough, cough so uh do you want coffee?"
"Do you even have to ask?"
"Tch, a simple yes or no coulda sufficed" I begrudgingly brought out my wallet and headed the convenience store next door.
"Hello! I'd like to buy a coffee with double expresso and a bag of chips please!"
"Bag or no bag?"
"No bag, please. Thank you!"

"Here ya go, you coffee demon."
"Oh, you brought the love of my life!"
"I thought that was Ran?"He sputtered and hurriedly changed the topic.
"The heist starts in ten minutes. Let's head inside."
"I'll head to the roof, then."
"Stay safe"
The stars were dusted across the sky and one, in particular, looked very dull. Said dull star got bigger and bigger until I was swept up into the stars.
"Holy shit! What the fuck!"Behind me, I heard a laugh and I snapped my head to them.
"I've never got that one before." His face was indistinguishable underneath his hat but I could see a faint smile.
"You know, if you're going to sweep up a girl off her feet, you could of like said something!"
"Like proclaiming my love for her?"
"Bit soon for a first date. Dontcha think?"
He leaned in next to my ear and murmured," Take a look at where we are.
"Oh my. This is trippy and also very high. Do we have a safety measure."
"Just my love for you" Any semblance of a smile was gone in an instant. " I'm kidding, I have a parachute"
I visibly relaxed as the sight of the rooftop came in view. "May I ask for you're permission to take you home tonight?"
"I'll tell my brother, I've got a ride then."
"I'll be back" He gently let me down and kissed the back of my hand. In a poof of smoke, he was gone. Now to text Shinichi.
-Hey, I got a ride with Kaitou Kid. The view is pretty cool. Don't let the bed bugs bite <3-
After a few yells that sound vaguely like my brother and Keibu Nakamori, a voice spoke behind me."My lady," a small tap of my shoulder, " I'm afraid we need to leave if you want the scenic route tonight.
"Take it away, Romeo." He unnoticeably stiffened and scooped me up.

The wind fluffed out his glider and we sailed away into the night. The wind bit at my cheeks at first, so I snuggled further into his arm. His breath warmed my face as he asked where I lived. I turned towards his ear and did my best to block out the wind as I uttered my address. I then found the view behind me exceptionally gorgeous and never strayed from my position.
"Your stop, my lady" My face must have looked utterly dejected because he then promised me that if I came to his next heist I could get another ride home. I ushered him closed and presses a small thank-you kiss to his cheek. I then briskly walked into my room before looking back, " I'll keep my promise." The moon was uncharacteristically bright as it shone across his suit.


And that's when I remembered I had left my chips on the roof. And very vaguely Kaito Kid could hear a drawn outcry of anguish, "My chips!"

-Hey, this is my first story. I have no idea what to do with it but I was planning on it being less heavy plot-based and more of cute interactions between them.-
-Suggestions are welcome. Cursing is fine but there won't be anything NSFW because I'm inexperienced with that subject soo yeah-
-Cool? Cool.-

Also apparently there are lots of issues Grammarly detected but I'm broke so they stay until someone mentions them. :)

*OLD* In Your Arms After Midnight Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu