Chapter Eight:

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The fuck is this white shit in the air?
As Keiko; my fellow member of the Aoko squad; and I approached Aoko we could hear the girl talking to air again. "You think Kaito went off without her again?"

"Yeah, poor Aoko." Keiko made her move and let Aoko come back to the present, "Kaito-kun ran off thataway with a big grin on his face. You're gonna give him chocolate right?"

"It would be a bit pitiful if the only chocolate he got was from me. Ah, by the way, you two I have chocolate for you too!" Keiko and Aoko were perplexed.

"This is one of the American things you picked up again. Please tell me it's not like the ranch and pizza thing again." I am offended. That's it I'm showing them pineapple pizza next.

"Nooooooo it's not. But yes it's the American thing again. Here ya go!" I was a bit elaborate but I had a lot of time on my hands with Shinichi out of the country and not dragging me on cases. I carefully brought out the tiny decadent cakes and placed them in the hands of my friends. " You think Kaito will like his? I tried to go based on what you guys normally order at the cafe but Kaito always runs off."

Keiko and Aoko gave each other an inside look before giving me encouragement and words of praise. I smiled to myself before walking ahead to the classroom.


"How does she not realize?"

"I couldn't even tell you. I don't think Kaito realizes it himself either. Wasn't Takara rumored to be famous in America for her skills?"

"Mm. I remember when the papers cried about her leaving the country." They slowly walked towards Takara who was trying but failing to get to her seat." How awful. That girl is monopolizing all the boys. She even made the boys give any chocolate they already had, too. " Keiko opened the door to a crowd of boys all focused on the new girl." Koizumi Akako, who just started a few days ago.


I was done being nice to these boys blocking my seat. I could hear Koizumi behind me barely admonishing them. I "lightly" body-checked the boy away from my seat, but he didn't even care to notice. Either I was losing my touch or there is something seriously wrong here. I could hardly make out Keiko and Aoko from the hormone sea. Oh, there's Kaito! Holding chocolate? Ah from the girls who lost their chances to Miss Congeniality over there.

Then Romeo flew to the front of the classroom, Oh shit, there goes Kaito, stuck like he's been duck-taped in place.My previous classmates would be jealous, he's a good foot off the ground. Kaito normally waits for those kinds of tricks. Huh, that doesn't look like one of his tricks. Akako was once again the object of my suspicions.

"If you want my chocolate, you'll have to dump all the others." I was appalled at her attitude. Like I get that you want to be the only one he's thinking of but she has given out dozen of chocolates. It doesn't seem like it's drugs, no discoloring or symptoms besides the devotion. Is this one of the old ways appearing again? Well if things turn out like last time in America it'll end soon, she won't be able to be public like this for long without suspicion. Kaito dropped from his sticky situation, before declaring he doesn't need Akako's chocolates. He threw his handkerchief in the air and it disintegrated into snow-like white petals. He scooped up some before magically bringing back his handkerchief. The amount of practice he's had was cute. Cute I thought Kaito was cute. It's getting worse. This is the worst, he won't want a girlfriend while he's out being KID.

Once class started the boys finally filed into their own seats, allowing Aoko to sit next to Kaito and me. " Hey, you brought chocolate too, right?" Kaito was giddy and I lost myself for a bit because I was suddenly being jostled for lunch by Kaito. I "reluctantly" showed the cake I made for Kaito and he actually whooped of all things. I laughed before bringing out an anticavity toothpaste. I quietly slid it into his bag when his back was turned, Aoko loves to gossip about Kaito's mishaps.


I sat out on my balcony as the snow drifted down. it was unfortunate that I was still unpacking or else I would have grabbed my gear and joined the heist. Haah two heists missed, why am I missing him when I saw him today. It made me want to call Ran again to talk about a boy in my class who I didn't realize was the guy from a case I flirted with.

The next morning was amusing. I haven't played with snow for a long time, so I prepared my specialty move while Aoko kept him distracted. Kaito was blissfully unaware when I snuck up behind him and dumped snow over his head. It was rude of me to melt the snow a bit with my hands but if Shin-chan could survive some watery snow so could Kaito. And then all hell broke loose when Kaito hit Akako in the head. It was a good day.

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