4. New Home for Tonight

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In the crowd, she stood out like a sore thumb. She was crying her heart out, oblivious to the piercing eyes that were monitoring her every move.

His penetrating gaze was pulled to the unexpected sight of a brown-haired girl sobbing. The crystal-like tears that streamed down her doe eyes were both a wonder to see and a source of distress for him. He wouldn't have paid much attention to it in any other circumstance. They were, however, at his club. He was only bothered by her cries because she was generating a disturbance in the bar he owned, and with this notion comforting him, he stepped forward to approach her.

His gaze scanned the space surrounding her, attempting to pinpoint the source of her anguish. Only to find a blond boy her age or a little older trying to hit on her. The teenager brat had her crushed against a couch, and she was silently squirming in his probing grip. He was murmuring something in the girl's ear, dry humping his body against her petite one that was trapped in his maniac hold .

Chase could tell she wasn't interested in the blond boy by the way she pulled her body away and tried to squirm out of his grasp again and again.

The boy however was entirely indifferent with her consent, his gaze blinded to the tears streaming down her cheeks, and he was inappropriately urging her to come with him again and again. Chase's fists tightened as he read the boy's lips who was desperate to fuck the trembling girl.

When he reached the girl, he realized he had no idea what to say or do. He had the logical half of his brain instructing him not to meddle in the pair's business and simple kick them out of his club for their misbehaviour, but there was this impulsive primitive urge that was tugging him to pull the nasty boy off her and carry her to his apartment tonight .

He couldn't see the girl's face fully because she was constantly squirming in the boy's hands, and being a hot blooded man, he was curious to see if she was just gorgeous in close up as she looked from far behind, which drove this horny kid to grope her in public .

Fortunately, the blond's words halted when he observed an intimidating man who seemed really pissed , towering over him. He seemed to recognize Chase. He visited the club frequently enough to be aware that the intimidating man standing next to him was the owner of this exclusive club .

His hold on the girl loosened when he noticed this powerful man towering over them , looking pissed. His aura screaming power . Gulping , the brat grabbed the girl he was earlier rubbing himself on , and tried to leave , dragging the crying girl behind him , averting his gaze from the angry owner.

" Sorry buddy. Got a little carried away with my girlfriend. "

The boy's choice of words puzzled Chase , adding more to his anger . The audacity of the arrogant brat to lie in front of him . It took every thread of Chase's patience to not smack the boy's head on the gleaming slab where the bartender was stacking up the empty glasses with all sorts of costly fancy drinks .

His hand took hold of the brat's luxury sweatshirt and dragged him close by his collar. " Out . " Chase gritted . As if sensing the rage in Chase's words had alarmed the boy , he backed off raising his hands in the air , a sign of surrender .

" Heard he is a beast in bed , makes sluts like you bleed . I hope he fucks your ungratefulness out tonight . Enjoy . "

Before leaving the boy hissed these words in her ears . Chase noticed how the female , whose back was still turned to him , tensed even more hearing those words .He decided to pretend as if he didn't heard anything, but then he knew that none of those comments were false or exaggerated , he did feed on other's pain like it was the utmost pleasure he could have .

" Thank you. I'm Piya . "

The girl hiccupped as she slowly turned towards her dangerous saviour . She smiled timidly looking at Chase with the tears still evident in her glossy eyes . However , she received no response .The rude man was still staring at her coldly , probably loathing her presence just as much as the day she ran into him .

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