Prologue: Aerial Battle

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1 year after the League of Villain's defeat....

"Hawks, the paperwork is set."

The Wing Hero stares at the windows in his office. Sunrays beg for salvation from impending darkness. Shadows smile as they dominate the city. Below he hears the tired populace make their way inside.

"Thanks, Tokoyami," he replies. One gloved hand in his pocket, the other over his mouth.

"You're welcome," the Jet-Black Hero responds. He closes the computer and stands up. "May I be excused?"


No reply.


"Hawks?" Hawks jolts and leers over his shoulder with a signature grin.

"Ah yes, sorry! Head home!"

Tokoyomi bows and responds, "Thank you very much for the opportunity." He whips on his black cloak and starts to walk away. Hawks resumes his gaze.

"Oh, Tokoyami," he calls.

"Yes, sir?"

"I've seen guys with potential like you burn out. Take care of yourself."

Tokoyami smiles and bows lightly. "I will. I wish you a wonderful evening as well."

After a moment, Hawks turns and struts towards the door. One hand pulls down his visor. The other removes keys from his pocket. After locking up the place, he glides down to the street. Waning light is unable to dim his bright feathers.

"Hey! Hawks!" a passerby shouts. Hawks smiles and waves back. "Helloooo!" he calls. A few of his feathers pick up spilled groceries.

"Hawks! Can we get a picture together!" a teen shouts. The Winged Hero stops to grin and pose. Other feathers simultaneously slice meat for a struggling butcher.

Hawks hears hollers of joy from the alleyway. He watches his red daggers snag robbers and deliver them to a police officer.

"Oh my god! It's Hawks!" a person calls. He waves back. Meanwhile he saves a stray cat from a leashed dog.

"Hawks! Where are you heading tonight!" someone asks. A crowd gathers within minutes.

"Ahhh, you know, just a place where I can stretch my wings," the Wing Hero responds.

"Can you please sign my bag!" a girl shrieks, holding up her purse. Hawks takes the bag and a marker out of his pocket. "Y' shure?" he asks, the cap in his teeth.

"Yes please!" she squeals.

"Haha oka' den! Uts y'ur na'e, again?"

"Sophia!" He expertly scribbles his fancy signature before handing it off and capping the marker.

"Okayyyy Sophia! Thank you for your support!"

Sophia's eyes widen and she bows vigorously.

"AHHHH Thank you very much! This will be an heirloom!"

Hawks grins. "You're welcome!"

A few feathers snag a bully's shirt, rescuing the victim.

"Hawks, how do you deal with fast Villains!"

"Ahahaha, obviously I go faster than them!"

"Ooooh," the crowd replies.

"Do you have a favorite food place?" someone asks

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