Chapter 47

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"Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees."

- Jean-Paul Sartre

Chapter 47

With a hand wrapped around the car keys in my pocket, I glance at the computer screens. Regina is still there. I turn the lights off in the computer room and sneak out.

The night is wet and windy outside, the moon hidden behind clouds so heavy I expect them to burst open at any second. I open the car door and place my gun in the passenger seat, keeping it in sight to remind myself I have some control even if it doesn't feel like it.

The car roars to life, and I hurry away from Phantom's lair as fast as I can. Sweat drips from my forehead as I enter the address to the lab into the GPS.

Fourteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds until arrival.

I hope Regina is still there by then.

The drive is slow and agonizing no matter how far above the speed limit I push it. My mind races faster than the car, and I have to blink hard several times to keep my focus on the road. My body itches with nerves, but it's a good kind of nerves. The kind of nerves adrenaline will respond to and it would be nice to have some of that.

As adrenaline starts to prickle through me, so does the anger. I can't wait to see Regina's expression when she realizes she's about to lose everything. This is a choice she can't take away from me. It might be the last choice I'll ever get to make, but at least I'm the one deciding my fate and no one else.

I do this for freedom.

I do this for my country.

I do this for my friends.

I do this for Mikey.

And I do this for my mom.

I know she'll be waiting.

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