Chapter 4: You're a stubborn girl Okimura.

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Once we got to the appartment I waved goodbye. She's a good person but I can't let her get hurt so i have to keep my distance for her sake. Somethings telling my brother is nearby. Misao will probally be here soon if i get any closer to her. She wanted me to come inside. Naturally, i refused. I said it myself i won't let anyone else get hurt by my hands.

She dragged me in anyway. She seems like the stubborn type. " Haru you are always telling me to stay away. Why is that? Do you not like me?" She turned to me with a worried face and her voice went high pitched.
"It's not that I don't like you but there are some people in life you should avoid. Like me for example I'll only bring you pain. Believe me it's happened before."

She came over to sit next to me. "I don't think your as bad as you say you are. You're a good person. That's why I want to be your friend. What ever happened is in the past now and since you warned me I would understand if anything happened. Alright you've got a bit of a temper but still you have good intentions and that's good don't you think? Haru... I truly believe all you need is someone there for you. You're so worried about other people getting close to you your not thinking of what you want. You know you should once in a while say what's on your mind you know complain a little. There are times you have to be selfish." Why is she so nice to me?

I only met her recently yet she talks to me like we've been friends for years. What a strange girl but... nice. " I guess so... thanks... but it's not in the past quite yet... He's still out there... waiting " i replied hesitating a little. She looked at me confused. "Just thinking out loud."

"I'm going to be your friend. Just please let your walls come down a little just enough for me to climb over to your side. You may not believe it but your my first friend who didn't get weirded out by my cheerful nature."She then grabbed both of my hands." That's why I want you to be my friend. Why can't you see that? Haru-chan. Let me in. Let me be your friend. Please."

"I can't I'm sorry."

A few tears fell from her eyes. I didn't mean to hurt her. Who knew those words would change my mind? "Okay... Okimura... sorry." She then smiled at me and said "That's ok, but don't do that again."

Honestly... Okimura... Your a stubborn girl...

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