Chapter 18

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I returned to my original form with my shirt ripped. Misaki hugged me and we cried and cried. I broke the hug and then kissed her.

At first i thought no one would care for me. Since you appeared you made me feel like there was hope for me. Your eyes shine so bright. I wanted to save that light. Misaki. "I love you."

"I love you to Haru." I got up and walked to my brother. "I'm not going to finish you off. I won't sink to your level. Pathetic."

With that me and Misaki returned home. We agreed to start dating.

-------Later on------

We watched another romantic comedy and I teased her again pushing her on the sofa kissing her neck and then kissing her lips. I gave her a love bite so no one can take her from me. " Stop doing that!." I laughed and she laughed to.

The holiday came and went and when we went to school we would hang out alot and I would glare at people if they judged her. I also managed to keep the demon thing under control and I switch between them.

We live together now. She still hasn't got used to the sharing the bed thing because she'll think I'll do something. People at school call us the golden team. I like that.
When we graduated highschool we got married. We have started talking about about children but she's not that sure.

After several months she decided it was time so we had a child and called him Natsume Takumi. He had my black hair + temper and Misaki's eyes and smile.

We lived long and happy watching Natsume grow up. He inherited my demon side and can produce blue flames. I'm teaching him to control it. He's quite a handsome little boy. I will raise him how I should of been raised.

Misaki still kept her bright smile and was very close to our son as well. I love them both very dearly.

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