Chapter 11

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I hugged her back. " I'm fine Misaki. I'm just happy you weren't injured." Speaking of which why didn't Misao kill her. Maybe he thought i was dead for sure so he didn't bother.

I broke the hug and cupped my hand around her face. "Please stop crying. You don't suit a crying face. Smile." She held my cupped hand," Okay..." She then smiled.

The doctor came in and said," Nothing serious. He should be be okay in a couple of days.

"That's great." Misaki said happily and then added," Haru I will visit you everyday untill you get better." I love to see that smiling face.

"Okay Misaki i'll see you tomorrow." She waved goodbye and skipped her way to the exist. She then turned around to say," Oh, Haru, I love you. Okay bye"

I smiled and blushed at her as I waved goodbye. I love you to.

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