June | Dusk | Warriors

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Pride themed character - Aromantic Asexual (Aro/Ace) my first attempt at writing a coming out scene :') 


s'kinda sappy but I'm projecting - if you hate happy endings, avert your eyes here folks

Amberstar nodded at Icestalker as he returned at the head of the hunting patrol, with two other cats helping him carry the pheasant they had caught earlier in the day.

"Well done Icestalker. Feel free to take the first bite, for all you have done this moon," she purred, briefly pushing her muzzle against his shoulder in thanks before padding off toward the elders den.

Icestalker smiled before turning to help the others take their catch to the fresh-kill pile.

Mistfeather padded up to her son, gently brushing her tail against his flank, as he tensed with the affection overload. She chuckled.

"I'm proud of you my son, you've grown into a fine hunter. Come, walk with me," she invited, as he joined her at her side.

"Is there something you needed?" he mumbled awkwardly, shuffling his paws as he refused to meet her gaze. The she-cat hummed, nodding her head.

"I was just after this, perhaps you could spend some time on yourself. You spend so much time training but Icestalker, you don't need to prove yourself to me," she stated, as Icestalker rolled his eyes.


"Hush now. Come on, what about spending some time with Emberheart," she teased, a suggestive tone to her voice.

Icestalker frowned.

"Why Emberheart?"

Mistfeather met his eyes with a questioning look.

"Come, son, surely you've noticed how she moons over you? It's been forever now," she began, cutting off Icestalker as he tried to protest. "Your sisters are happy, Driftgaze has Skyflight and Feathersight is expecting kits, you deserve happiness with a mate too!" she purred, smile slipping slightly as his expression didn't change.

Icestalker stopped walking, turning away from her. Mistfeather paused, confused.

"Mother. I- I appreciate that you want me to be happy, but the truth is... If I were mates with Emberheart, I wouldn't be. I know its supposed to be the eventual goal, to keep the Clan going, but that's not what I want." he paused, taking a breath.

"I don't feel the want for romance that way, I've never had the need to find a mate. I like Emberheart, but platonic relationships are important too, and I don't desire anything more than that."

Mistfeather blinked, tilting her head.

"Icestalker, I love you and I would accept you any way, but surely you wouldn't feel fulfilled all alone," she murmured, sympathy in her tone as she stepped closer. He turned away, shaking his head.

"Mother, there are more ways to live than seeking love or family. I still have the friends, parents and siblings who are important to me. And honestly, I know taking breaks are important, but training and hunting constantly helps me fulfil my passions. I love you, but you can't change how I feel," he meowed, firmly meeting her eyes this time.

Mistfeather listened as he spoke from his heart, honesty and confidence in his usually quiet voice. A smile slowly made its way onto the mother's face as she nodded, inviting him to resume their walk.

"Thank you Icestalker," she meowed, as he blinked in surprise. She chuckled in response, looking at him proudly.

"This is the most open you've been with me in a long time, and I always felt there was something holding you back from talking with me. I'm glad you told me. I can't pretend I fully understand, but if that's how you feel, then that's not for me to change."

Warmth filled Icestalker with her words, happiness bubbling in his chest with the sound of acceptance. Then, a strange scent hit him as he turned to stare at the sight of a large rabbit in the distance.

"A rabbit!" he whispered, dropping into a hunting crouch. He made his way toward it with skilled stealth, before leaping in for the kill.

Mistfeather watched him with a smile, flicking her tail as he bounded toward her. Perhaps not every cat had the same goal, but her son was a fine warrior indeed.


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