Aug-Sept | Storm | Warriors

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Cold eyes glistened darkly on the trembling white she-cat, tails lashed angrily, hisses and snarls filled the camp. A gray tom broke away from the group of watching cats and thrusted his scar-ridden muzzle in front of the terrified she-cat scratching her muzzle, the gray tom screeched as Crystaleyes nipped his forepaw. 

Cats caterwauled for her exile, hissing and nipping at the white cat. A small tortoiseshell she-cat flicked her tail for silence, her eyes were blazing with liquid flames, no cat listened to their leader's silent command. Crystaleyes bolted across the clearing trampling over a large tawny tom apprentice.

"Watch it" the apprentice hissed.

Crystaleyes' white pelt burned from being rejected by everyone, even her own apprentice thought of her lower than fox-dung. All the cats gathered in a loose circle around Crystaleyes pressing her closer and closer to the centre of the camp. Hisses echoed around the camp, she swallowed back the bile that threatened to overtake her, as her clanmates closed in on her. She watched in horror as 3 large toms broke away from the group, their faces showed no emotion, only small twitches of their tails showed they were as angry as all the other cats.

The largest of the three toms bawled over a skinny gray tom with brilliant blue eyes who was standing off on the side. The 3 thrusted the gray cat, Smoky, next to Crystaleyes. Crystaleyes and Smoky's eyes were identical mirrors of masked horror. Softly Crystaleyes murmured to Smoky.

"She knows, now what?"

 All Smoky could do was shake his head and watch.

All the cats around them screeched together "TRAITORS, EXILE THEM NOW!"
Claws scratched at the she-cat, blood welded up making her white fur glow red. Their tortoiseshell leader raised her front paw and yowled for silence, after a few heartbeats she hissed "I am your leader, I decide what will happen to these two cats." Maplestar flicked her tail at the two cats in disgust and padded a few tails lengths away.

A large she-cat argued " Maplestar, you can't possibly keep those cats after what they did to you," the she-cat pressed.
Maplestar lifted her head high and glared at the cat who spoke.

"Of course not. Crystaleyes and Smoky," Maplestar flicked her tail at each cat in turn "you are exiled from RiverClan, if you ever set a paw in Riverclan territory we will fight you like a rouge and kill your kits," she growled, nodding to Crystaleyes belly.

Maplestar shifted her gaze from the white cat and glared at the black tom and bared her teeth. "How dare you mate with her Smoky, you were my mate and don't even try to deny being with her, Leopardpaw."

Smoky's eyes narrowed as his leader screeched at him. "How could you do this to me, now she's expecting YOUR kits, how dare you," she hissed. "And since you chose that excuse of a she-cat over me, you are now exiled with her, get out of my sight" she growled.

Crystaleyes shrank back at the RiverClan leader's words, beside her, Smoky cautiously stood up and padded closer to Maplestar and spat in her ear, "You're mouse-brained, soon you'll come crawling begging me to join RiverClan again."

Maplestar lunged at the tom's scruff, claws unsheathed. Smoky, sleek as a snake leapt onto the she-cat and gripped his teeth into her spine and bit down. As quickly as a hare Smoky shoved Crystaleyes to her feet, and gently but firmly dragged her by her scruff. No cat paid any attention to the two as they fled, all eyes were on their leader's body as her eyes went glassy and blood pooled beneath her. Together the two ran until the yowls of RiverClan could no longer be heard.

Smudges of blood on the ground were marked behind them as their paws cracked from the never-dying heat. Their tails dragged in the sand, leaving a light trail. Neither cat could go on for much longer. Smoky's eyes narrowed as he scanned the moor, and with a squeal of delight he took off towards a small pool of water and a lone dead tree. Crystaleyes raced across the bare moorland to keep up with her mate. Both cats' eyes were shining with the hope that they'd live a happy life outside of the clans with their soon-to-be kits.

After many moons, the small family of cats thrived with no regret for what they did. Their two kits, Gray and Flip, were now full-grown cats who have now left their parents to set off on their own journeys, with no knowledge of where their parents lived before or the warrior code. A howl sent a chill down Crystaleyes' spine, who would be an elder if she were still a part of a clan.

Heavy paws were heard for many heartbeats before the giant dog came into their view. Smoky screeched and leaped upon the giant beast's back, as blood welded up where his claws met the dog's flesh. The dog started to chase toward the white she-cat who was frozen with fear. Slowly she hobbled to the dead tree and tried to propel herself up, but it was too late, the black dog was speeding towards her, eyes brimming with excitement as he neared the she-cat. 

Darkness faded over her and all pain died down, and after a few heartbeats her vision returns. Reeds tickled her ears and the sound of the river echoed in her mind. Crystaleyes thought to herself, "Am I really back in RiverClan?" Beside her lay the dark gray tom and Crystaleyes remembered the dog attack.

Am I dead?  It was the question she kept repeating in her mind. Just then she saw a glimpse of amber eyes glistening at her in the dead reeds.

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