June | Night | Warriors

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My first attempt at a first person warriors chapter :p
this is the opposite of Dusk's story. If you hate them sad, bittersweet endings then I suggest you head on out


I always knew there was something different about me. It was something I didn't understand for a long time. Something almost... surreal. I don't think I truly began to understand until the night of my warrior ceremony.

I was excited, like any normal apprentice would be. I would finally be getting my warrior name! I'd finally be a full-fledged member of my clan. A warrior they could count on.

But that hadn't always been my plan. There was a time when I thought I was special enough to be a medicine cat. I truly admired the work Ravenflight did. I still do. Unfortunately, it was never meant to be. I was a screw up in there. I could never remember the herbs... and I couldn't even share with StarClan. That's why I was forced to quit. I'd let my clanmates down as a healer; and that's how I found myself set on the path of a warrior.

And so there I was, standing before Mousestar, ready to receive my name as a true warrior. I may have failed as a medicine cat, but I would serve my clan as a loyal warrior.

"Skypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do."

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Skypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Skyblossom. StarClan honors your generous nature, and we welcome you as a full warrior of GladeClan."

To this day, I can still remember the cheers of my clanmates, all of them calling out my new name. But there was one that seemed to call louder than the rest to me; Cinderberry's. It was as if she had finally recognized me again. As if she had finally accepted my decisions.

I'd always looked up to Cinderberry. We were even friends back in our apprentice days. We had done everything together. I realize now that it was much more than simple admiration I felt. And... back then... I was so painfully oblivious to my own feelings. Oblivious to my flaw.

It was something that had to stay buried inside me. I never would have been accepted had I been blind enough to chase after that spark. Even if it kills me to simply look on from afar.

That night, I sat vigil by myself. It gave me time to think. I think that was the night I fully realized; what I felt wasn't admiration, but love.

I didn't understand at first. At best, Cinderberry was a friend. But even then... after Cinderberry had become a warrior, she'd changed. She was always spending time with Embershade, following behind him as though she was one of those dogs the twolegs kept.

But then I realized that despite everything, I had always remained loyal to my bestfriend. Deep down, I'd always hoped that she would remember who I am.

That next morning, I had sought out Cinderberry. I thought maybe now that I was a warrior, she would accept me again. And she did... sort of. Truthfully, I don't think she'd ever truly realized how much she had shut me out. It had just... happened.

We started talking again, and despite my newly realized crush, I thought that things could be normal again. How naive I was.

Cinderberry loved Embershade, and somewhere along the way, I realized I had grown jealous. It always seemed like it was harder and harder to keep these feelings to myself each time I saw them together. It was painful, knowing she would never love me the way I do her.

There was one day in particular that I hated. The day that they became official mates. I still remember it vividly to this day.

Cinderberry had been excited when she came to me that afternoon. She said she had something important to tell me. So of course, I listened.

The news was heartbreaking. But I tried to be happy for her. I truly did. I congratulated her, as any friend would. I tried to be supportive.

Today, her first litter was born. Two toms and a she-cat. The pain was killing me, but... she couldn't know. She wouldn't know. And she never will.

I would watch over these kits as though they were my own. I would keep my feelings in check for their sake. For her sake. And no one... would ever know.

I would do anything for her family, even if it means I'm dying inside.

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