Versus the New Evil

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"I'm about to puke" Kayla groaned as she held on to the back of Spyder's chair,

We were in the robot, chasing after the same wasp that made us blow up the school through the forest,

I stood beside Abigail who was standing beside Harris chair,

"You better not! We don't want to see the fish you ate for lunch Kayla!" I shouted,

The robot jumped after the wasp as it sped up

"Oh no son, you're not going anywhere" Harris sassed as we gained on the wasp,

"How much children do you have?!" Abigail joked,

As Harris was about to reply Ryan spoke up,

"Not the time guys, We gotta finish him off" Ryan stationed the robot in place

"Boss level missiles comin' up!"
Spyder replied as he pressed a red button,

Were watched as seven missiles flew towards the wasp but it dodged all of them,

We all groaned,

"It's moving too fast! It dodged all our missiles!" Harris exclaimed,

"Right! That's how Ryan blew up the school." Spyder muttered while making him self seem busy by pressing buttons,

'Really Spyder' I thought,

"Me? Really?" Ryan chuckled in disbelief,

"Really Spyder, we're still on this?" Abigail spoke up,

"What?! It's the truth" He retorted,

"Technically, you were the one that blew up the school cause you launched the missiles" I defended Ryan,

"Thanks babe" Ryan smirked at the disbelief on Spyder's face,

Suddenly our attention was turned to the wasp as it turned invisible,

"Shit! It's ghosting!" Abigail exclaimed as Ryan looked around the area,

"We need our new weapon that can blanket the area" Harris stated,

The robot got struck by the invisible wasp causing Ryan to fall back

"Ryan! you okay?" I asked, I ran over and helped him up,

"I'm fine" He groaned as he held his shoulder,

"Mark! Rachel! Whatever y'all are doing...!" I yelled,

"Is done!! Who's awesome? We're awesome!" I heared Mark yell followed by what I assumed was a high five to Rachel,

The robot got pushed forward as the wasp attacked us from behind,

"Ready babe?" I asked Ryan,

"Ready" He answered rolling his shoulder,

"Rerouting power!" Harris stated as I stepped behind his chair,

"Sweet. Arming cold cannon." Spyder Replied,

"Hold on, we did not agree to call it that" I demanded, Harris nodding in agreement,

"Set the cold cannon to a wide spectrum beam." Ryan ordered to Harris,

"I guess that's what we're calling it" I sighed,

"I never get to name the weapons" Harris mumbled in defeat making Abigail kiss his cheek,

Ryan raised the robots arm and Spyder thrusted back his own weapon controller,

"Let's see you dodge this" Ryan retorted as he firmly planted both of his feet,

I gripped Harris chair because I felt I might need the support,

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