Versus Harper's Ghost Last Part

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Ryan lands the robot somewhere beside the sea and unbuckles his harness,

He makes his way to stand next to me as we all look at Harris's monitor,

"I'm detecting one human, but he's underground," Harris explains, typing on his keyboard,

"See that storm drain? There's a ladder that leads down to some chamber?" He pointed to the layout of the field on the monitor, that also had a red dot on it

"He must be there then," Kayla stated as she looked up from the monitor,

"Good! Let's get this guy, " Ryan exclaimed as he grabbed my hand in his, and we made our way to the elevator,

Once everyone had stepped in, Ryan's eyes flashed blue and the elevator shot down the robot and stopped at its foot, where it had opened,

All six of us walked out of the robot and made our way through the tall bushes with Mark taking the lead, me and Ryan walking behind him and the rest following us,

"That's far enough!" Someone says from behind us,

We all turn around and come face to face with Grey and without any other words, she starts twitching and glowing red,

"Aww shit, she's still on the crack" I hear Kayla groan,

We look up as she transforms into clawboon,

"Harris, now!" Ryan yells as Grey makes a leap towards us,

Harris shoots a dart out of his watch, which forces grey back into her human self,

"What did you do to me?" She grunts, laying on the grass,

"Ooze antidote!" Ryan spat at her,

"We were ready for you this time crazy lady" I said, smirking down at her,

"Rehab bitch!!" Kayla shouts and we turn our attention towards her in confusion,

She notices our stares and quickly says, "No one else notices the twitches from the overdose of drugs? No? Okay"

"Moving away from that please" I chuckle,

"Yea, I got my eyes on Grey. You guys go" Harris demanded as he took the zapper from Mark,

"I'll stay just for backup" Kayla suggests,

I nod and the rest of us continue making our way to a hatch door in the ground,

"This is it" Ryan says as he glances at his mechlink,

We all push it open and step inside to see an under ground lair looking place,

"So this is where the bad guys hang out" I mutter as we descend some steps,

"Guys, you finally made it! Oh, thank goodness" I hear Harper shout in relief as he comes into view,

"I'd roll out a red carpet but I'm a little, you know, chained up." Harper jokes as we walk towards the table where he's chained,

"Yea, Get used to that" Ryan growls as we stand in front of the table,

"You sure? Because I have about 1.5 billion dollars hidden around the city" He claimed, trying to bribe us,

"Really dude? You make me sick" I say in complete disgust,

"And we don't want your money" Mark adds,

"Oh! Okay, okay. So comprise: we take the money, then we betray him" Spyder tries to whisper,

"You know I can hear you, right? I'm right here" Harper interrupts Spyder,

I roll my eyes and raise my right hand at him, turning all attention to me,

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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