Versus the Deep

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[Outfit Y/N is wearing]

[Outfit Y/N is wearing]

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[Y/N P.O.V]

"Harris you called us?" I questioned, making our presence known as me and my sisters walked into the lounge of Mechx4,

We took a seat on the couch as both Harris and Spyder stood in front of us,

"So remember when we took your mechlinks?" Harris asked,

"Yes, very aggressively may I add" I aimed the last part at Spyder, because he just walked up to me, grabbed my hand then took the mechlink and ran,

"Hey! I asked!" He tried defending himself,

"You call shouting  'I'll bring these back!' While running away asking?" Rachel added,

"Anyways! I've been analyzing you guys while you fight and I revamped the mechlinks to surveil your power capacity so-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there" I interrupted Harris explanation,

"I'm going to need you to repeat that but in English"

Abigail rolled her eyes and went to stand beside Harris,

"He's basically saying he upgraded our mechlinks to keep track of how much power we use" She re-stated,

"Thank you Abby and not only does it keep track of your power levels but it notifies you when you're running low on energy so you don't go past your limit" He explained as he handed eachbof us our mechlinks,

I slapped mine onto my wrist and heard a beep,

"Well that was kind of you, Thanks Harris!" Kayla spoke and I nodded in agreement,

"Well not to be a bragger but I also helped so don't forget me" Spyder gushed, popping his collar,

As I was about to make a sarcastic remark, the sound of the elevator coming up filled the room,

Mark walked out carrying a groaning Ryan over his shoulder,

"Ryan! What happened?" I asked as I raced over to help Mark carry Ryan to the med bay,

"We were talking, when all of a sudden Ryan started screaming and holding his head" Mark quickly explained as we laid Ryan down on the med bed so Harris could scan him,

"Guys all his vitals look fine" Harris stated,

I stood by the bed where Ryan's head laid and ran my fingers over his tiny curls,

"Are you okay?" I asked, directing the question to my boyfriend,

"Babe I'm fine" He groaned out,

"Ryan, walk us through exactly what happened" Harris spoke, I placed my hand on Ryan's back as he tried to sit up,

"Okay" He breathed out "I had a vision just like the first time Mechx4 tried to reach out to me, Just way more intense" He explained,

I wanted to question him about this vision he got from Mechx4 but decided to just ask later,

"I saw Grey, I saw some sort of shark monster, I also saw Harper's giant monster heart somewhere underwater" Ryan continued,

"Wait, but didn't you guys destroy it?" Kayla asked,

"It's possible pieces of the heart landed somewhere out in the bay" Harris answered,

"Why is every possibility bad? First Grey's back now the monster heart too? Does nothing want to stay dead?!" I groaned in frustration,

"Hang on Y/N, we don't even know if the visions are real or where they came from." Mark stated,

"But from what Ryan said at the beginning these visions led him to Mechx4" Abby countered while gesturing to our surroundings,

Ryan stood up with my hand still placed on his back and shoke his head in agreement

"Guys!" Spyder exclaimed making us turn to him,

"We're getting a new robot--I call technopath!!" He shouted raising his hand,

"No." Ryan muttered, shaking his head,

"I don't even think that's how it works Spyder" I added in confusion,

"Okay! So IF the visions are real that means that Grey is making another monster" He stated, emphasizing the "If"

"But she only did that for Harper and he's dead" Spyder stated,

"He seems to be the only one following the rules of death" I mumbled,

"What is it with you and this death thing?!" Ryan questioned after turning to me,

"I don't know! All the bad stuff are coming back from the dead, I'm just glad Harper decided to not be a follower"

"Moving swiftly away from that, I don't know what Grey's up to but we'll ask her after we take her down." Ryan claimed,

Abby scoffed "We are not equipped to fight underwater"

"Then we'll upgrade sub mode with everything we need to fight Grey" Ryan stated as if it was obvious,

"Wait the robot has a sub mode?" I gasped,

"Oh yeah, you were kidnapped when we got it and you tried to kill Ryan" Spyder stated,

"Wait I did what?!" I exclaimed, looking to Ryan,

"Right! Y/N was literally out for blood" Kayla added,

Ryan nervously laughed "Can we not talk about the time my girlfriend tried to kill us,

"I'll just text Leo" Harris mumbled, taking out his phone,

"Instead of talking about your girlfriend's psychotic phrase-" Mark started,

"Hey!" I yelled in defense and glared at Ryan who let out a small chuckle,

"Shouldn't we be more concerned about how we're gonna find the monster heart?" He finished,

"True. We don't even know where in the bay it landed" Rachel added,

"Well, Harper was working with some unique metal" Harris presumed,

"Right! we can track it if we knew exactly what it was made of" Abby finished for Harris,

"This is like nerd love" I muttered,

"And how do we find that out?" Ryan questioned,

"I'm guessing they're somewhere at Harper Futuristic" I suggested and Harris nodded,

"Okay, we'll go there. Harris, Abby you guys help Leo with the Sub mode" Ryan commanded as we all walked out of the room,

"Me and Kayla will stay at the robot in case anything happens" Rachel added,

"Okay but for the record if we get a new robot, I get to drive" Spyder shouted,

"No." Ryan shut him down again as I laughed,

"If anything I'm driving, I'm a technopath too" I stated as I hugged him from behind,

"No. Too dangerous" He quickly stated,

"Aw" I pouted and let him go,

"Don't pout at me" He grabbed my hand and went in the direction of the others,

Ryan Walker x reader (Season Two)Where stories live. Discover now