Versus the Outbreak Last Part

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"Y/N be pulling all the boys at this school." I hear Kayla cry out,

"Is now really the time Kayla?!" I shout as I pry the guy's hand off me, only for him to place them back again,

Veracity and Harris rush to help me with the guy's hands,

"What is up with this guy?! It's like he's a zombie or something?!" Veracity shouts over the guy's continuous growling,

"Or in Newt's term, a Crank" Kayla mutters,

"Kayla!" I yell,

"Why are you so calm?" Veracity asks Harris,

"Panic does us no good at a time like this" He calmly states,

"Hurry up! Hurry up" Spyder yells, struggling to pry the guy's hand off me,

"We need a weapon! What do we have?!" Harris starts panicking,

"Uhh...umbrella with a metal tip!" Abigail shouts, carrying an umbrella,

"Motherboard!" Harris exclaims holding some stuff from the computer,

"Aha! Multiple laptop batteries!" Veracity yells running over to Harris and Abigail with the batteries,

"Duct tape!" Spyder yells, throwing a roll of duct tape to Harris,

"Why do you have duct tape?" Veracity asked,

"And where did it come from" I also questioned the boy beside me,

"Don't ask" Harris spoke up for him,

"Are you guys making meth for this guy because he already seems out of his mind" I joked as I still struggled with the tempered strength of the zombie student,

In less than a minute, they were finally finished working on whatever they were working on

"Power Amplifier, good to go!" Harris exclaimed as he aimed the umbrella at me,

"Three, two, one!!"

I sunk in my stomach, giving me room to pry the guy's hands off and moved away from the door,

As it opened and the zombie student ran through, he was immediately zapped by Harris, knocking him unconscious,

"Nice work" Kayla sighed in relief,

"Thanks" Abigail, Harris, and Veracity answered in unison, then looked at each other in shock,

We all ran out of the lab and down the stairs,

"We got to get the police!" Veracity gasped as she ran for the exit, while we ran in a different direction,

"Uh, hey, I know you guys are new here, but the exit is this way" she stated, pointing in the direction she was running,

"Our friends are this way" Harris retorted, and we all nodded in agreement,

Not waiting for her response, we continued in the direction we were heading and saw a group of zombie students heading into the music room,

"I'm going to take a guess and say they're in there" Abigail spoke as we ran into the room and saw all the zombie students crowding in one area,

Spyder, now holding the amplifier, started zapping zombies,

"To make this go faster.."Abigail trailed off as she glowed green,

"Brace yourself" I yelled, covering my face,

Abigail released a surge of energy that knocked away most of the students, creating a clear path for us to get to Ryan, Mark and Rachel,

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