Versus the Outbreak

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Everyone except Mark and Rachel were hanging out in the lounge of Mech x4, Spyder and Kayla were chatting on the couch while Me and Abigail helped Harris with the data core,

"What do you mean you guys aren't coming?" I heard Ryan ask on the phone,

Rachel and Mark were supposed to meet us at the robot, but they hadn't shown up,

I tuned out Ryan's conversation with his brother and focused on cracking the core,

"Are we any close to opening this?" I asked the two as I folded my hands under my chest,

"Y/N, I don't think we can crack this with the software we have," Harris responded as we made our way to the couch,

Just as Abigail was about to make a comment, Ryan walked in with an upset expression,

"Babe, what's wrong?" I questioned, walking over to him to rest my hand on his shoulder,

"It's Mark, I need him to focus on Grey, not some stupid tryout," He explained,

"It's not stupid to him," Abigail spoke up from beside Harris,

"Look, we all have our thing -" Harris started,

"You're the technopath-" He pointed to Ryan,

"We're the brain -" He gestures to himself and Abigail,

"Y/N is your right hand woman-" He pointed to me,

"And Spyder and Kayla are--- are?" I saw Harris fumble as he didn't know what to say and looked to us for help,

I looked up at Ryan in suggestion as to what to say, but he too was at loss for words,

I subtly gestured to Harris by waving my hand under my chin to tell him to shut up,

"Awesome, Weirdly Flexible, Can hear dog whistles?" Spyder suddenly added,

"And Mark's a jock," I quickly added,

"Right!" Ryan swiftly agreed,

"We're gonna come back to ours though right?" Kayla asked,

"Uhh -" Harris fumbled,

"For Sur-"

"No, we're not now get over it," Abigail interrupted Ryan,

I looked at her in disbelief and then followed Harris and Ryan away from the three and over to the computer that was situated on a small table by the wall,

"Dude, don't you think it's been hard on Mark, being at a new school and you know, not being Mark Walker?" Harris questioned,

"I guess" Ryan shrugged,

"We all know the old Mark Walker needed some sense, and he still does," I mumbled, only to look up and see the two boys staring at me,

I put my hand over my mouth in shock,

"Oh did I say that out loud? I'll just leave you too to have your heart to heart talk" I walked back over to Spyder and the others,

"I think Ryan's overreacting, he's acting like Mark is quitting the team " Abigail immediately said as soon as I made it over to them,

"Abby, come on, maybe he just misses his brother," I suggest,

I quickly backtracked as I saw the stares of the three,

"OK, maybe he's overreacting a little"

Suddenly we hear Ryan asking about the progress on the data,

"Don't you think if he got the info, him and Abigail would be gloating by now?" Spyder spoke as he got up and walked over to where Ryan was standing,

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