Versus the Deep Last Part

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The robot landed on the edge of the cliff in front of the large body of water,

"Harris you ready?" Mark shouted from his station,

I stood by the elevator and Abby was in Harris chair, you could guess where the other two were,

"Yup! Just in the nick of time son." Harris spoke over the intercom,

"Closing in on your"

Ryan got into a fighting posture and we all got ready for the battle ahead,

"Alright, let's do this!" He exclaimed and got ready to jump,

"He's always saying, 'let's do this.' Have you noticed that?" Uncle leo questioned,

My eyes widened as I heard the conversation between uncle Leo and Harris,

"Yea, it pumps up the team" Harris replied "Plus Spyder has the attention span of a squirrel so you got to let him know when it's time to 'do this'"

I silently held in my laugh,

"And you know before Y/N and Ryan started dating, I heard Y/N telling Abby that she find him 'hot' when he does that" Harris continued,

My grin immediately fell as I processed his words,

"Ahhh, teenage hormones" Uncle replied,

Ryan's body immediately turn to look at me with a teasing grin,

"Uhh--Ha--Guys we can hear you" I stuttered,


"Let's do this" They both shouted,

Ryan nodded before taking a few steps back and leaping into the water,

I looked around, admiring the small sea animals that swam past us before my gaze landed on Ryan,

His posture was straight, he was in action mode and in command,

Not gonna lie it did look hot,

"Leo, ready to dock with Sub Mode"Ryan stated, knocking me out of my daze,

I felt the robot shake a little as the sub locked onto the robot

"Submarine locked in" I heard Mark say from above,

I saw Ryan grin before he did Mech Execute phrase,

I felt the robot begin to glide through the water at a fast pace,

"Torpedoes! We got torpedoes" Kayla squealed in excitement,

"Kayla wait until we get to the monster" Ryan spoke as he knew she might press it,

"Oh, But, Ryan we have more than torpedo" Spyder defended,

"Do you want more than one concussion?" Rachel scolded from Mark's station,

"Rachel leave the child alone" I chuckled,

The elevator came up and out stepped Harris,

"Aren't you supposed to be in the sub?" I asked,

"Leo's monitoring the sub's system, is everything linked up?" He asked as he made his way to his station, ushering Abby out of his seat,

"Everything's fully integrated with Mechx4" Ryan replied,

"Bring up the new sonar system." Abby insisted as Harris did so,

"Only you would be excited over something like that" I joked,

"Let's not forget what you get excited over, not who but what" She winked, nodding over to Ryan who was focused on transferring the monster heart designs to Harris

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