Chapter 3

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Betty paced back in forth in her apartment, looking down at her phone. It had been a week since Nick had 'disappeared' and she hadn't heard anything from him.

She had left a lot of messages and calls and he never texted back nor called back. It was driving her crazy.

She sighed and closed her eyes, biting her lip. There had to be a reasonable explanation.

Maybe he had gone out of the city for a vacation and didn't have any signal? Or maybe he just wanted to get away from everyone for a bit?

Just as she started to calm down, she heard her phone start ringing in her hand. Her eyes snapped open as she looked down.

The police was calling her. She bit her lip, worried, before answering.

"H-hello?" She asked in a faint voice.

"Hello, is this Elizabeth Cooper?"

"This is she."

"We know what happened to Nicolaus St.Claire."

"Oh, that's great! Wait..what do you mean by knowing what 'happened'?"

"..Miss Cooper, you may want to sit down for this. One of our teams was out in the woods, looking around. They found signs of a campfire a few miles away. Inside of the campfire..they found traces of hair and finger nails with blood. Someone tried to burn another person and they succeeded, save for what we found. They sent those items for a DNA test..Miss Cooper, they belonged to Mister St.Claire."

Betty's eyes widened as her heart sank into her stomach. She let out a shaky breath as she fell down on the couch, her hand shaking as she kept it up to her ear.

She could hear the other person on the phone tell her the details but she spaced out. Nick was dead.

No..he wasn't just dead. He was killed. Murdered.

"..Miss Cooper?"

"Who did it?"

"We're not sure, Miss Cooper. The person who did this covered their tracks very well. But we'll try our best to find any evidence."

She bit her lip harshly before speaking in a tiny voice. "Thank you." She said before ending the call.

She put her phone down on the table, as she stared at the wall. A few seconds passed, though it felt more like minutes.

She bit her lip and it finally sank in. She started crying hysterically as she hid her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking.

Nick was gone. He was dead.

Betty didn't know how long she had been sitting on the couch, crying. She only stopped when she heard her phone ring.

Who could be calling?

She grabbed her phone and turned it to see the ID. Jughead Jones.

Of course, she had given him her number

She bit her lip and answered, pressing it against her ear. "Hello?"

"Betty, hey."

"Jughead? Why are you calling?" She asked. She truly hoped she wasn't sounding rude, she just wasn't in the mood right now.

"Oh I was just- Betty, we're you crying?"

She sighed and bit her quivering lip before crying. "He's dead, Juggie."

"Dead? Who??"

"Nick." She said before sobbing louder into the phone.

"Oh my god..I'm so sorry..are you okay??"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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