Chapter 1

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"Order up!" The blonde called out, putting two plate of pancakes on the counter, followed by two hot chocolates, each with mini marshmallows on top and a cookie straw.

"Number 29!" She said, an elderly couple grabbing the plates with a smile, the blonde smiling back.

She watched the couple go back to their booth as she turned to her friend. "This job is turning out to be exhausting, T." She muttered, running a finger through her bangs, the rest of her blonde hair in a bun.

"Maybe, but you love it, Betts." Her coworker said with a knowing smirk.

Betty laughed and shook her head, knowing Toni was right. "I hate it when you're right." She said, soon seeing a family of four walk to the door.

"Happy holidays! Come again and have a nice day." She smiled and waved at the family. The two parents smiled and waved, walking out with their daughter and son.

What a happy family, she thought with a small, sad smile. She wished every family was like that, but the world didn't work like that.

The world was hard and cruel and didn't care if you were knocked down. She sighed and rubbed her temples.

She was at work in Daisy's Diner, in the most jolliest time of month, a week and a half before Christmas, having depressing thoughts. This was going to be bad for business.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked over the couples, families, friends; they were all so happy. A twinge of envy filled her heart.

Why couldn't she be happy like them? Why couldn't she enjoy life like them?

Why couldn't she not give a fuck about life like them? Why did they get all the happiness and not her?

"-their faces were pricel- Bunny, are you listening to me?" Toni spoke through her thoughts, making the blonde turn to her when she heard the brown haired girl call her by her nickname 'Bunny'.

"Huh? What?" She asked, looking up at her friend to see Toni giving her a pointed look.

She sighed softly. "Sorry, T, I got lost in thought." She muttered softly, looking away.

"Yeah, I could tell, you went deep in la-la-land that time. Whatcha thinking about?"

About how those people don't deserve to have all the happiness that I deserve after everything I've been through. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about the holidays." She said, ignoring the small part in her that just wanted to spit her thoughts out.

Toni eyed her suspiciously before a small smile graced her features. "Whatever you say, Bunny. You have a table." She said, pointing to one.

Betty soon turned to the table and her heart dropped into her stomach. Sitting at the table were her friends; her very snobbish friends.

What the fuck were they doing at a diner across town?? The three girls were so stuck up, she thought she wouldn't live to see the day they so much as set foot in a place like this.

However, that was the least of her worries. If they saw that she was a waitress in this diner, she would never live it down.

She hated her friends, but it was basic survival. Adults were cruel and harsh, especially in New York and if you didn't fit in, they would make sure you knew.

She only hung around with her friends for the sake of fitting it. It was wrong; but, if it helped her stay out of trouble, she would take it.

But if her friends saw her here they would tell everyone, post about it on the internet, and make fun of her. No longer would she fit in and her reputation would end faster than a blink of an eye.

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