nine - will you?

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mina laughs, pushing jimin away as he joins her into the soft laugh. "stop. that picture is like, three months ago." mina rolls her eyes but ended up smiling at the sight of jimin laughing.

"why? it looked cute. i mean," jimin say pausing again like he did before. mina groans, standing up from the bench they're been sitting on. jimin looks up, actually stop to follow her little trails.

you see, they're having.. a date. but, both of them called it a date yet. jimin pass mina a pack of hot bread when he notices her walking around with no directions.

mina smiles, "thank you." jimin nods and watches her, making sure she actually enjoys her little snack before he take a bite into his bread. mina turns at him as usual, "it taste good."

"is it?" jimin smile, finally take a bite. mina laughs, "you don't have to wait for me to eat everything, jimin. you'll only starve yourself." she nags, munching as jimin just mocked her movements.

the two walk slowly, by each other's side with familiar surroundings. mina still remembered how she couldn't handle her panic attack on this area literally three months ago. and now, she look back; she's now eating well, being able to talk without shaking randomly.

then, her mind focused on the talk she had with her mother. is she really gonna sent me back to Australia? she asks herself, letting out an quiet smile forcing herself to focus at the peaceful and calming weather.

but, she can't. "do you remember, the time where i told you i once lived with my father at Australia?" she suddenly breaks their quiet, and comfortable silence.

jimin raises his eyebrows as he nods; unsure of what she's gonna say next. "yeah. why?" mina stop her steps, taking a deep breath turning her whole body at jimin who's also copying her act but, nervously.

"my mother decides to sent me there again," she say, once she got all the nerves to let out the truth.

jimin didn't reply. neither say anything. he just keep the silence, staring at her who's also returning back his eye contact. ever since mina had finally gain her little confident and self-love, she's been much more brave and honest than before.

"have you.. like, decides yet?" jimin awkwardly ask, since he refuses to keep the silence going while he's having a lot of question inside his head. mina sighs, turning down her glance, "that's what i'm thinking now. i have like, not much choice."

"you know that my mother and father are happy in their both separate way. and if i had to choose, i would chose my father." she explains, telling all the truth. overall, lying to jimin wouldn't make anything better anyways.

"i like you, mina."

mina clears her throat quietly, trying to push away the confession away. please, focus on the current matter. her heart complaints. jimin slowly nods, "i.. i understand. after all, your mother doesn't even pay much attention to you."

mina nods, agreeing at his statements. there's so much thing he knows about her. and to let him go after what he had done to her make her feel selfish. if she wanted to stay here forever, she might have to live alone.

her mother is almost at the chance to abandoned her. since she get the chance to choose, wouldn't it be better to choose the option with her father?

"i'm not ready for relationship, jimin."

mina let out an small whines, "i don't know what to do." she finally says, making jimin turns at her with another confused expressions. jimin have been so quiet about it as if he'll be fine if she leave. "what do you mean?"

"you," mina looks up, feeling bit pity as she continues, "will you be okay if i choose the option to leave?"

//an; will you be satisfied with the last chapter?//

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