a dog with all gifts

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It was during kindergarten, I had no friends. I was always pecked by other kids, bullied, and harassed. My parents didn't have much time for me yet they'd still care for me but not all the time. Sometimes they Argue through the Halls and made me paranoid about what they were saying. We live in a crummy house. I had some video games that were popular and some that weren't popular like e.t the video game which was one of the worst games I ever played but they never returned it. My room has some posters and a normal bed With some blue and white spots on the blankets. Sometimes my sister tries to care for me but sometimes fails. I always dreamed of being a rockstar but sometimes I lose interest in those things and some other stuff. Until my parents got me something extremely special.

It was during Christmas Day where you were expecting to see presents under the Christmas tree. I got up, went to the living room, and saw presents under the Christmas tree Like treasures that I found. When my parents and sister got up We each took turns opening presents one by one. And then my parents got me a gift. It was so heavy that I decided to lay it on the ground and opened the lid and I began to cry with joy. I saw a little puppy and my parents say

"Surprise we got you a puppy!" my mom said

I hugged the dog in my hand and I was still beginning to cry. My mom hugged me while I heard the dog and I decided to call my dog Baden.

During the school day while I was walking to school and wanting to see Baden again after school I heard the footsteps of 4 people running towards me. I realized that there were bullies running towards me. I ran away from them but they still kept chasing me, I ran and I ran Until they cornered me. I was so scared to talk until they grabbed my shirt And held their fist Like they're going to punch me. but that was certainly stopped by a bark. They looked behind them and saw Baden barking at them until running towards them and biting them. The bullies let go of me while Baden tried to chew them and the bullies ran away. I looked at Baden confused about how that happened until.

"NOW YOU CAN GO TO YOUR SCHOOL," a voice in my head said

"Wait who said that?" I ask with a terrified expression

"WELL you're LOOKING RIGHT AT HIM." the voice continued

The dog was saying those words inside my brain.


I rushed off and Baden was still in there until I looked away and he vanished.

During school, I was listening to the teacher for a test that they were doing today. My brain became nervous about the test because sometimes I suck at math tests because of the number of grades that I have to complete, reading, science, and history I can do but not math. The teacher handed me the paper I looked at that had a confusing layout of problems I had to solve. I put my face over my hand and then when I opened them I saw that the test sheet looked different but I still did the test anyway.

During lunch I was sitting alone with no one to talk to until I saw another group of people talking about my dog attacking bullies on the street and talking about me if that was his dog, I looked away from them and then took out my sandwich before I could even get a bite a kid interrupt me saying that.

"Was that your dog?" the kid said

"Y-y-yes," I answered

"If that was your dog that means that your dog is a hero." the kid continued

And I realized that Baden was protecting me from the 4 bullies. And I decided to ask.

"What happened to the bullies?" I asked

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