island of flies

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Telson was different from most countries. Richest was the outer layer of the country but the inner layer was the poor part of the country. The Larz didn't have much money left to run the country. there on the urge of collapse and all of the cities in towns in Telson would be ruled by the country's next to Telson. The Larz did not want that, to get the country back together they needed to find the money. They had sailors to travel the seas and to find gold on uninhabited lands but they couldn't find anything and when they got back to Telson they were all left empty-handed. They looked all over the north pacific ocean to find gold but there was nothing, even Telson was a place where they couldn't mine due to the cold weather making the ground the Freeze-up.

Joseph was a Telson sailor who wanted to explore the open seas more. Joseph enters the castle Where Larz Harold the Third sat on his Tyrone with the chandelier crown on top of him. They look eye to eye and Joseph begins to speak

"Laerz Harold the third!" Joseph said as the sound echoed through the castle "I would help you to get your country out of the grave."

Harold looks at Joseph with one eyebrow raised.

"If you find a lot of money on those islands I will split it evenly," Harold said as his voice echoed through the castle "If you don't find some money I will have to banish you from Telson,"

As Joseph heard his voice he said

"Okay, I will be back if I found more riches for you," Joseph said as he left the castle

In the next two days, Joseph gathered his six crew members to find some goods for the country, as his crew was heading on the ship one of the crew members clammed to see an elderly man running towards them then hiding behind some Wooden crates, They Simply ignore it then got on the ship then went off.

On the first day, they couldn't find any gold or Islands. The crew Said they should give up and they will find it the next day but Joseph dismissed that and said.

"more times if we cell the more chances to find an island," Joseph said

On the second day, They had entered into a giant fog. The crew said to go around it but Joseph said to go through it and so they did. The fog was so big that it seemed to not have an end to it and then they saw land. Island was small and it had a yellowish look to it. Joseph and his crew got off the ship and placed their feet on the island. They searched the island for hours but they couldn't find any gold until Joseph found a tree in the middle of the island, on the tree was pure gold And there were a thousand of them on the tree, Joseph ordered his men to get the gold off of the tree. After a few more shakes and climbing, all the gold came off one by one.

"This gold can be enough for putting the country back together." said one of the crew members

They gathered the gold and put it on the ship, one by one they put it in gold in a giant empty wood barrow. As they're about to leave Joseph heard some noises behind him and when he turned around he saw a swarm of flies hovering over them in a big circle. The crew fled to the lower decks and remained there until the flies were gone. The Flies didn't leave and kept swarming theirs. The crew sat in the lower decks helpless with no ideas until one of the crew members had an idea To spray water on the Flies with their buckets. The plan worked and all the Flies retreated to the Island, After all of that Joseph and his crew sailed back to Telson.

In the castle, Joseph and his crew showed off what they found, Harold was surprised by what they found. Joseph will like to tell the story of where they got it but Harold got what he wants.

Joseph was lying awake on his bed trying to figure out who that elderly man was trying to tell them or was he trying to warn him. The thought haunted Joseph all week and never got out of his brain.

The next week Joseph was making a cup of tea and enjoying his day. He got outside to go and check his mailbox. Joseph was sorting through his mail until he felt someone touching him on the back. Joseph turns around to see one of the guards from the castle.

"Joseph Adams, Larz Harold the thirds has been acting weird after you've gotten the gold." The guard said, "and the gold somehow vanished without a trace."

The guard said to come on his horse and he'll take him to the castle, Joseph agreed and got onto the horse and went to the castle.

At the castle a bunch of his family members was banging on the castle door begging to be let in, they were saying the words like "you've failed as a Larzvey." and "you doomed our country."

The guard and Joseph went through the angry family. The guard opened the door with the key he had and said no other family members are in but only Joseph can go in.

Inside the castle, it smelled like nothing as if Joseph's nose went numb. Joseph walked through Darkness until he found Harold on his throne wearing a mask.

"Harold, what have you done!" Joseph shouted, "You've doomed our country."

There was no response from Harold. Harold stands up and walks slowly down from the throne to the floor.

"Where is the gold!" Joseph said again, "What did you spend it on?"

There was again no response from Harold. Harold just stood there with no motion. And just he takes off his mask and shows that his face has changed to something disgusting, something horrifying, and something gross. Joseph ran as Harold chased after him Or was it, Harold?. Joseph successfully ran out of the castle and closed the door as the giant Screeches of Harold can be heard outside of the castle. Joseph turned around to face the family.

They were asking him some questions like "is he okay?" or "what's got into him?". Joseph sat up And spoke the truth.

"I'm afraid we will have to execute your son." Joseph said, "when he took off the mask he was turned into a bug."

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