they found something

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The mustache man was at a mining site. The mustache man was hired to keep all of the mining crew safe from danger, despite the job seeming normal it was still off, the mining crew's names were weirdly named, going by names 1 through 58. But the non-mining crew had regular names. The mustache man was confused about all of this but he shrugged it off.

Weeks went by, the miner count did not go low, it was still 58 from before. The mining crew was doing their job, the others as well. The mustache man was looking out from the tower watching the crew doing their job, it felt like he was some sort of bird watching what the humans are doing. And just then the door opened, what came out was a red hat man.

"Are you doing okay up here?" he asked

"Yes." the mustache man answered

"Okay." the red hat man said, "but here is something I'm feeling off about this job."

The red hat man took a deep breath.

"The mining crew has been crowding over to the left side of the cave but not the right." the red hat man explained, "they will always face the left but not the right."

"Maybe they are bats on the right side." the mustache man said

"That would be impossible." the red hat man said, "bats don't live in this region."

"I have been in this job for years." the red hat man said, "but I haven't seen this before."

Then the red hat man left the outside. The mustache man wondered if he could talk to one of the mining members but the rules said that the others should not talk to the mining crew. But just then the door opened, and what came was the boss.

"Why are you facing both ways?" the boss asked

"What do you mean?" the mustache man also asked

"Left is always a good way." the boss explained, "but why are you facing left and right?"

"After all." the boss said, "no one is over there."

Then the boss left the outside and back into the tower. "Left is always good" what did that mean? What could it mean? The mustache man does not know. He wanted to know, he wanted to say why they wanted him to look left but the boss was a busy man so he couldn't even bother to ask. And just then, the door opened, and what came out were 3 mining crew.

"Hello, sir." The first crew member said, "my name is 1."

"Greetings sir." the second crew member said, "my name is 2."

"Good day sir." the third crew member said, "my name is 3."

"Odd names?" the mustache man said

"What do you mean?" 2 asked, "our fathers gave us that name."

"Do you have the same father?" the mustache man asked

"No." they all said

"Why are you guys up here?" asked the mustache man

"Oh we need some." 1 said

"New mining tolls." 2 said

"For mining." 3 said

"They are in that shack down there." the mustache man said as he points down to a metal shack

"Thank you." 1 said "bye sir."

"Thank you." 2 said "farewell sir."

"Thank you." 3 said "joyous day."

Then they left the outside and back into the tower and back to the outside. It was odd that the mining crew said that thing in a weird way. They said something about their father. They don't look like they are from the same family. The mustache man wanted to know more but the rule still said not to talk to them.

The next week, the mustache was still doing the same old thing watching the mining crew like a watching bird that he really is. And then the door opened and what came out was the red hat man from yesterday.

"Are you doing okay up here?" he asked

"Yes." the mustache man answered

"Okay." the red hat man said, "question, did some people down there go up here?"

"Yes." the mustache man said

Then he left the outside and back into the tower. He had a worried expression on his face when he got inside. The mustache man did nothing wrong, or he did. And then the door opened and came out was the boss again.

"Has someone come up here?" asked the boss

"Yes." the mustache man said

"That's it." the boss said, "this is your first strike, lose all of 5 strikes and you're fired."

"But they were asking for mining tools." the mustache man said

"They can find them by themselves." the boss said, "they're probably going to see what's on the right si-"

Suddenly he paused. He covered his mouth and ran and left the outside back into the tower. The mustache man was confused and was terrified he might have doomed himself.

That afternoon when it was lunchtime the mustache man was eating his meat, salad, and cheese sandwich. He was relaxing having a good time looking at the lovely view, and just then he heard the words from below

"Hello sir." 1 said

"Greetings sir." 2 said

"Good afternoon sir." 3 said

"Don't mind us." 1 said

"We are just gonna." 2 said

"Mind." 3 said

It was odd they didn't finish their launch. The crew was heading straight towards the cave. rather than facing the left of the cave, they were facing the right of the cave. They were in a straight-line position. They got their pickaxe out and started to slam the right side of the cave "slam!" "slam!" "SLAM!" the clicking sounds became dimmer and dimmer and then the noises stopped, the 3 mining crew were nowhere to be seen. The mustache man ran down the tower and walked into the cave, he realized that the axis left no marks at all, and then he saw a face that looked like 3 faces were fused together into one person. The mustache man walked out of them and into the tower and went to a very strange whiteboard. he Erases the 8 from 58 to 55. they had lost 3 members.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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