the origami cat on the table

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I didn't want to see the world and I never will, I always seal myself in my room, far away from the world. You may think im crazy or insane but no I am very intelligent, very very intelligent my brain is almost the size of 50 brains inside my head but my face can be judged by how and what how my brain is, I was concerned by what if someone was going to use me for something good or bad, like building a new invention or developing a portal, I did not what that to happened so that why I always kept myself in my room all day and night. I create origami, I always like to create origami with no instruction. They always turn out perfect, I made one that looks like a bird, a lion, and a fish. Origami is my passion and ill always make them, I will sit on the barricaded window and make origami.

When I woke up I went to the window and got a sheet of green paper and I made an alligator it had green teeth and no eyes and I put it on the table with all the previous origami I had made. I got a sheet of yellow paper and I turned it into a little cute duck and I put it on the table. I heard a knock-knock at the door, I didn't answer it because of how bizarre I looked, the person at the door said "MAIL DELIVERY!" what came out of the door was a big square bag. It must be my new stack of color papers I ordered a while ago on my telephone. When I picked it up and put it on the bottom of the old stack of color papers I began to use the color blue, I never did blue because it represents how I was lonely and sad but I began to realize that was stupid. As I began to fold, my sad feeling began to fade away and I made a blue cat, it wasn't what I was expecting it looked blue like a sea of tears, I put it on the table and I took a little break, I lay down on the floor, I didn't have a radio station because I couldn't afford one, when I closed my eyes I heard the sound "S S S E E E L L L L." across the room and when I began to check there was no one in the room all of my origami never moved and I lay back down again and closed my eyes and then I heard "S S S S A A A A A D D D D D D." I got up and looked over at the origami table, I thought it was all the same but I realized the origami cat was nowhere to be seen. I was paralyzed in fear and then I heard it again " S S S S A A A D D D D." I turned around to see the origami cat was on a table, now it had paper black and white eyes I can see it blink like a stop motion animation that was smooth. it began to speak "W H Y D I D Y O U." the voice didn't sound like a male or a female voice like a new type Genter was discovered. "Y O U L O O K S O S O P O O R." the origami cat said as he moved his human mouth across his face "W H Y D O Y O U L O O K S A D." I wanted to reply but my mouth was like it locked itself tight "Y O U T H I N K T H E I R S C A R Y." the origami cat said. The table began to move on its own and moving toward me, I began to back away from him and now he is repeating the word "L O O K." all over again. I put my hands on my head as I backed away and then I fell all the way down from my bedroom and landed on the streets. I couldn't move, the sky was cloudy, there were cars around me hovering their light and acting confused, and then I realized I was in the outside world, I shivered in fear and I began to scream in confusion.

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