the closet

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Jake was a man who had a very loving wife but she tragically passed away after 2 years of her daughter's birth. Now Jake lives as a lonely man with his daughter (Maya) that she quite supports. Jake has a job where he has to work 24 hours a day and that he gets paid too little, he doesn't have much time for her and explains that it was somewhat an accident to let his wife die. But that will change forever.

Jake got out of bed hearing his Maya crying. Jake got out of bed and walked to Maya's room. She opened the door quietly and then saw Maya in the bed shaking under the blankets.

"What's wrong?" jake asked

Then her head peeked out from the covers and she said.

"There's a monster in my closet! There's a monster in my closet!" she repeated

Jake walked over to the closet and opened it looking around not seeing a monster in it.

"I don't see any monsters in here." Jake said, "just go back to bed."

"But dad!" Maya said, "I saw it with my own 2 eyes."

"Look, Maya." Jake said, "it is just your mind playing tricks on you."

"But da-" before she can finish her sentence the jake closed the door and left the room leaving Maya scared.

At work, Jake is talking to his friends about current stuff like what's their plans and their stories, the topic quickly changes to them talking about their past, after taking turns it was Jake's turn to tell about his past.

"Go on, tell your story." one of his friends asked

"Wellllll." Jake said, "I don't r-remember my p-p-past."

"What!" they all gasped

"Yes, I can't remember anything about my past." Jake explained, "well I know my stepfamily but I didn't know my original family before I was a teen."

"Well maybe you need a psychiatrist to help you." one of his friends requested

They all agreed to let Jake go to a psychiatrist, but Jake disagreed because he thought it won't work.

Back at home, Jake was getting ready for bed, he heard a knock at the front door, Jake stopped what he was doing and headed to the door. When he looked on the ground he saw a letter, picked it up, opened it and started to read it.


I am the principal of Apex Elementary School. I am very sorry to hear that your daughter has been expelled from our school due to bullying, scaring, and telling lies to other students. We are so sorry for this, so I am banning her from our school campus.

By Andrew j Kerry

After Jake read through the letter he began to burst into tears. Before he can wipe away the tears, he hears a strange sound coming through the halls. It sounded like mumbling, Jake followed the noise until the noise led him to Maya's room, he thought it was just Maya talking to herself but the voice sounded male like an old man trying to talk. Jake opened the door slowly, still hearing the mumbling, the mumbling was coming from Maya's closet. He thought that Maya was just seeing things but there was something or someone in the closet. Jake quietly tiptoe through the room to the closet, when he made it over he peeked inside, now for a few seconds he didn't see anything but in the far left corner he sees a dark figure with a hat and very long fingers he jumped out closed the closet gently but when he looked in the closet again the figure was gone and the only thing that was left was a black coat in the corner.

In the morning Jake went to the school to talk with the principal about how Maya was expelled. Jake walks inside the door and goes into Andrew's office and he sees Maya sitting on the chair right in front of the principal's desk.

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