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A lonely fisherman went on to go fishing, he packed all his belongings, loaded them into the truck, and went to the lake. On the way, he looked in the distance where the mountains are and how beautiful it is, but the beauty was snatched away by a white rusty van. Inside the van were 2 teens and 1 old man, the 3 men looked dead-eyed at the fisherman and then left.

The fisherman was almost close to the lake, he went on the freeway and then he looked behind him and saw the white van, it was the same one that he saw a while ago, it had the same rust, and the same three people inside. And again they still looked dead eyes at him and then drove off. The fisherman had 2 ideas why they were following him 1. They wanted to murder him, or 2. They are going to the same town as him.

The fisherman was close to the lake, but his gas almost ran out. He stops by a gas station and puts the gas nozzle into the truck. While waiting he saw the same van again with three people inside. The fisherman's spine began to shiver because the man stepped out and walked towards the fisherman. The fisherman looked away from them but one of the strangers touched his shoulder and said this.

"So you're Going to the same lake that we are going to?" the stranger asked

The second theory was correct: they were going to the same place as him. And then the fishermen said.

"Yes." The fisherman answered

And then the stranger left having just a little bit of gas to fill in their van. And then the fisherman's gas was full again. He got into the car and then drove off to the lake.

At the lake, the fisherman parked his car and got his fishing gear out, and then went to the lake. On the way to the docks, he saw the 3 strangers again holding something but it was too blurry that the fisherman can't see what they are holding But he didn't mind and then moved on. he went to the edge of the docks and then get his fishing rod out and then start to swing it around and then put the string that's attached to the fishing rod In the water of the lake. After catching 1 and 4 fishes and looking on the left side of him seeing the 3 strangers smoking cigarettes while looking out on the lake's view until the fisherman caught another thing but it was so heavy and that he couldn't pull it up. He grabbed the string and pulled it up very hard until the back of the creature was shown, he pulled it up and put it on the docks, the fisherman realized that the thing he caught was a human that was painted gray and the eyes of the person were all black. The fisherman was shocked by what he caught and pulled his phone out to call the police and then he realized something. Those four men were carrying a big box, the box was big enough to fit a human and the 3 strangers were the ones who created this person to act like a fish forever.

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