Chapter three

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Louis PVO
I sucked in a sharp breath. I couldn't believe it. It had to be fake. My head snapped up to look back into the mirror. The boy still was in the same positon, and I could see clearly. They were real. I wasn't imagining this, neatly placed on the top of his head were two triangular pointy brown ears. Exactly like a cats. I turned my gaze back onto main road that we were now pulling onto. I let out a heavy breath, thinking over what had just happened in my head. I had a massive argument with my parents, I almost ran over a young boy or what I thought was a boy that said boy was wearing a hospital gown that was covered in blood which I do not know why is there nor do I want to know why it was there. He was also presumably running away from someone, again I don't know who and don't want to know. That boy also had mesmerising green eyes that I couldn't get off my mind, and what appeared to be cat ears on the top of his head. That same boy was now in the back of my car sobbing as I driving him back to my flat I shared with the same roommate I had since university. He was going to kill me. I was bringing home a young boy who looked no older than 16, basically making me a paedophile if he was that was accusingly half cat. Oh yeah and the fact that I basically kidnaped him. Yup, he was definitely going to kill me, then after he had killed me he would kill the cat boy-

my train of thought was cut off by a hiccupping sound followed by a chocked sob. In the midst of what had happened I forgot that he was crying. I flicked on the indicator and carefully pulled onto the side of the road. I turned my body round in my seat so I was facing the boy, he was still in the same position as before, curled in on himself, his head buried into his knees, sobbing. What do I do now? Do I talk to him? Do I comfort him? Be a shoulder for him to cry on? Whatever I did I would have to be careful if he reacts anything like he did before when I tried to help him I could get hurt again.
"Hey are you alright" I said gently.
His head snapped up at the sound of my voice and his eyes held anger as he glared at me. He had long tear tracks that had stained his slightly red blotchy cheeks. He had a very young innocent looking face, his cheeks where still slightly chubby and his jaw line wasn't quite defined yet, he had rouge pouty lips that where shiny and damp from salvia. And of course those innocent green eyes that had me captive since I first saw them.
"I just wanted to make sure you are alright, you've been crying ever since you got in the car" I said. The boy just continued to stare at me with the same look of hatred in his eyes.
"You're not hurt are you? You were or have been bleeding before I found you and I saw the glass cut into your hand, I can see if it's alright" I said reaching out to take on of his hand. He pulled his hand back sharply and quickly, snarling and baring his teeth at me using his other hand to scratch at my face again, reopening the four jagged lines on my face that had just scabbed over making them bleed again.
"D-do not t-touch me" he half yelled half sobbed out. His voice was deep, a lot deeper then I had expected, it didn't match his young baby looking face.

"I just want to make sure you are not too badly hurt" I said softly, moving to try and take his hand again.
"Do not touch me!" the boy screamed trying desperately to scramble away from me, but he was already pressed against the door. his ears had now gone completely flat against his head showing that he had control of them, they were real working ears.

"P-please don't h-hurt me" he stuttered out, more tears falling from his eyes leaving more tracks down his already tear stained cheeks. My eyes widened at his words. Hurt him? Why would I do that? Why would anyone want to hurt such a young innocent looking boy? I sucked in a sharp breath when I realised, maybe that's why he was running away. I looked back at the boy who was now shaking madly and muttering "please don't hurt me" over and over again.
I undid my seatbelt and wedged myself between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. I placed a hand on his knee, he flinched slightly but to my surprise he didn't pull away.

"Hey, you're alright, I won't hurt you" I said softly rubbing circles on his knee with my thumb.
"you're safe now" I said
"p-promise?" he said in a small voice slowly looking back up, his eyes had gone bloodshot.
"I promise" I said sincerely with a small smile on my face. The boy sniffed and wiped his nose on the back of his hand then wiping the tears from his eyes.
"okay" he muttered so quietly I almost didn't hear it. My smile got bigger and I saw that he had a small smile on his face too.
"I guess I should introduce myself then, I'm Louis" I said confidently sticking out my hand for him to shake.
"and your name is..." I said trailing off, pulling my hand back when he just stared at it confusedly.
He looked at me with his big innocent, slightly wet bloodshot green eyes, and his innocent face, and said very quietly
"they called me harry."

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now