Chapter 16

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Louis pov
It was just over 9 o'clock when I go a panicked call from Liam,
"Louis what are you doing still at home!? Why haven't you dropped harry off? Why aren't you at work, you're going to be late?"

"Liam calm down, there's been a power cut so I won't be working for a couple of days until they call me back in" I explained to him.
"Really, that's good now you get a couple of days off to spend with harry, are you getting paid leave?" he asked
"I'm not initially sure I hope so, I was thinking of going to that park again, you and Sophia can come along with us if you want" I said running my fingers through Harry's hair, his purring vibrating through my stomach making me giggle
"am I interrupting something?" Liam asked
"what? No, Harry's sleeping"
"then what was with the giggling?"
"harry is sleeping on my stomach and he's purring, it tickles" I said fondly
"okay well me and Sophia will be round in a bit" he said
after that I hung up. Like I have said before goodbyes are overrated.
About 10 minutes later I had to gently shake harry awake,
"harry, kitten you have to wake up, Liam and Sophia are going to be here in a minute"
harry stretched his arms up digging his fingers into my shoulder and dragging his nails down my chest, exactly like a real cat would do. He looked up at me with puffy sleep hooded eyes yawning, his ears twitching a little. I scratched behind his ears a little making him purr, he frowned a little looking confused.
"We have to get dressed, we're going to the park with Liam and Sophia" I repeated
he perked up at the mention of the park,
"is that the place we when to when I first came here?" He asked he voice still deep and laced with sleep.
I nodded then harry jumped up from where he was lying on me and ran into the direction of the bedroom.
I followed him shortly after, I entered the bedroom to find harry with a cream coloured jumper of mine on inside out and he was struggling to put on a pair of jeans on.
"L-louis you have to help me w-wrap my tail and p-put these leg thing o-on" he panted out still struggling.
I laughed at the sight making harry pout at me,
"harry you have the jumper on inside out" I laughed
he looked down frowning a little down to see the tag sticking out before giggling.
"You have to help me Louis" he giggled struggling to take the jumper off
after helping harry put his cloths on, putting my own on and brushing our teeth Liam and Sophia had arrived waiting in the living room for us. After wrapping Harry's tail and covering his ears with a beanie, we were walking down the street harry once again looking at everything with wide curious eyes his hand in mine gripping it tightly.
The park was almost empty. It could be because it was a Thursday morning or because the weather wasn't the best. But either way harry seemed to be enjoying himself with a smile plastered on his face, Liam and Sophia were chatting away in front hand in hand with heart eyes.
"We could go to pond?" Liam asked turning around to look at me
"it's a while away but it's nice so we could go there" I replied
"isn't there a playground on the way there?" Sophia asked
Liam and I just had to look at each other before racing off in the direction of the playground, leaving harry very confused. We may be adults be we're still children at heart. Like the rest of the park the playground was completely empty, both me and Liam ran for swings with harry following behind with a small frown on his face.
"What are those?" he asked, a pout forming on his face
I stopped the swing with my feet,
"here sit on this bit" I said pointing to the rubber seat
"now hold on to these" I continued pointing to the metal chains
"don't let go, or else you'll fall" I warned slowly pushing the swing forward letting it fall backwards again. Harry let out a squeak holding the chains tighter.
"He looks absolutely terrified" Sophia said walking over to us.
I walked around to the front to see Sophia was right, harry was stiff, his eyes wide and pale.
"You want me to stop it?" I laughed
he shook his head a little stiffly before smiling a little.
"It feels nice, tickles, like butterflies in my tummy"
"yeah it does" Sophia said getting on the last swig next to Harry's
"I haven't been on a swing since I was a little girl" she continued
"me and Lou use to come here all the time" Liam said joining the conversation
"when you were little?" Sophia asked
"yes, but also when we grew up as well" I said a little shyly
"I can believe that" Sophia laughed

Morning became afternoon and afternoon became evening, it was only when the sun was setting that we realised that we had spent all day at the park.
We walked home, stopping off at the pizza shop to get a pizza. Liam and Sophia came over to eat with us, harry eating most of the pizza but I don't think any of us cared.
It was just after Liam and Sophia left when there was a knock at the door.
I opened the door thinking it was Liam forgetting his keys or something like that but what I didn't expect to see was the same bald headed man from the other day.
"Look I already told you I haven't seen the missing boy" I said
the man smirked,
"Mr. Tomlinson I don't like being lied to" he said handing me a piece of paper with pictures on, pictures of me and harry, coming out of my apartment, getting in the car at Liam's house, the first time we went to the park, and from today, with harry on the swing and us playing football, and coming out of the pizza shop and all of a sudden I wasn't concerned about how
he knew my last name.
"How the fuck- why the fuck do you have these?" I exclaimed
the man chuckled,
"that's the least of your problems, Mr. Tomlinson we know you have the hybrid and we will get him"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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