Chapter five

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Chapter five
louis POV
Getting harry into my apartment was actually a lot easier than I expected, despite the look of pure terroir he had on his face and clinging to me so hard I almost couldn't breathe when in the elevator, and almost dropping him trying to get my key into the door, it was pretty uneventful.

"Well this is it" I said, pushing the door shut with my foot.
He brought his head up from my shoulder, looking behind him his eyes scanning over the room. It was simple a living room to the right, with two leather black sofas set in a square like shape around a black flat screen with a glass coffee table in the middle. To the left was the kitchen which had black work surfaces, with white counter tops. Opposite us was the hallway that led to the bathroom, my room and my roommate's room. It was way too much, but my parents were paying for the rent every month, but the rest was had to pay on our own, resulting in the both of having to get crappy low paying jobs.
"It is nice" harry said squirming in my arms.
"You want to get down" I asked him. He nodded in return.
I gently placed him down, and he lumped over to where the sofa is and was about to sit down when I remembered all the blood from before and rushed over to stop him before he sat down. He looked at me with confused eyes.
"A-am I n-not allowed t-to sit t-there, do I have t-o sit o-n the floor?" he asked with confusion and fear swimming in his eyes.
"Sometimes the m-men would l-let me out o-of my c-cage, b-but I would have t-to stay on t-the floor"
"They kept you in a cage!" I exclaimed looking at harry with a shocked expression. Harry nodded.
"They let me out s-sometimes, but I w-would have to crawl and sometimes t-they would hurt m-me" he said with a sad expression on his face.
"Hurt you. How? What did they do to you?" I asked getting slightly angry.
"They would s-sometimes kick me, or h-hit me, or pull my tail and my ears and if I w-was bad they would w-whip me"
"They would whip you!" I exclaimed angrily.
Harry just nodded as if it was nothing.
"And sometimes other things too" he muttered sadly.
I didn't want to ask about that right now.

It only just sank in about what else he had said.
"Wait, you have a tail as well?" I asked
Harry nodded again.
"How come I can't see it?" I asked again.
"It is wrapped a-around my t-thigh" harry answered, lifting up the gown slightly reviling a long, fluffy brown tail that had a white tip.

I also noticed then the back of his gown was ripped in several places and was still sticky with blood. His tail swished slightly distracting me from his back, then I noticed that there was trails of thick sticky blood trailing down his thighs and legs and pooling at the bottom of his feet on the floor.
"Shit, we need to get you washed, before you get blood everywhere." I said
harry looked down sheepishly.

"Sorry" he mumbled.
"It's okay, it's not your fault, and you just have to have a shower" I said with a smile on my face.
Harry's eyes widened with fear at the mention of a shower and he shook his head madly a small whimper escaping his lips.
"No p-please don't m-make harry use t-the shower. P-please n-no" he stuttered, his voice trembling, tears falling from his eyes again.

I noticed when he was scared or upset he spoke in third person.
Harry was now practically hyperventilating.
"okay, okay, okay, no shower, but you have to get cleaned somehow you're covered in blood, how about a bath instead?" I asked.
Harry looked up with wet eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"I am a-allowed to bath?" he asked, the innocents swimming in his green eyes again.
"Yes of course you are, you can do what you want here" I said softly pushing his fringe out of his eyes.
"Really" he asked looking up at me with hopeful eyes.
"Really" I replied.
"The men in white never let me do anything that I wanted" he mumbled quietly.
"Well here you can do whatever you want" I said.
harry smiled so much that two little dimples welled in his cheeks, making my breath hitch, but I shrugged it off.
"C-come on, you need to be cleaned up." I stuttered taking his hand, which caused him to let out a surprise squeak, and dragging him out of the living room, down the hall way, and into the bathroom.

"Right!" I exclaimed clapping my hands making harry jump.
"You scared me!" harry squeaked making me laugh.
"Sorry about that" I chuckled.
I turned back around, facing the bath again, putting the stopper in and turning the taps to that the water came out warm.
"What do we do now" harry asked with both innocents and curiosity laced in his voice.
"Now we wait until the tub fills with water" I said.
"And then what" he asked again.
"And then you get in the tub with the water" I replied again.
"With my clothes on?" the boy asked looking down and frowning.
"No, you have to take them off first" I laughed out.
Harry giggles as well, which was way too cute for his own good.
This boy was going to be the death of me, I can already feel it.
"Okay harry, I think that the bath is ready"
The boys eyes lit up and he smiled again with his deep dimples welling in his cheeks again.
"y-you will have to h-help me get this off" he said gesturing to his gown thing.
"Um, I think it will be better if I just rip It."
"o-okay" he said looking scared.
I began to carefully rip the thin fabric, eventually leaving the boy completely nude in front of me.
I let out a gasp when saw the state of his back, arms and thighs. Deep cuts that continued to ooze the sticky crimson liquid and dark purple bruises littered his skin. I gently ran my finger along one of the cuts. Harry gasped out and jerked his body forward.
"That hurt" he gasped out.
"Oh I'm so sorry harry, I didn't mean that"
"it's okay, it just hurts a lot" he said.
"Harry I think you need medical attention on these, I think you might need stiches" I gasped out my head spinning, I was never good with blood.
"What are stiches?" harry asked looking back to face me.
"I can't explain it without showing you, but I know someone how can" I said digging my hand into my pocket. I knew just who to call. Liam.

The picture above is what I imagine the apartment to look like.

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें