New city

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Kyle looks out the window of the moving van as South Park becomes smaller in the distance. He and Stan are moving to Denver, the large city giving them the oportunity to attend college. The red head is studying I.T. Not his preffered journalistic major, but it's leagues better than the law degree his parents wanted him to get. Ike can take over the family buisness in his stead.

A bunch of his childhood friends have similar ideas as they too move out of South Park and into the city.

Kyle is glad to leave the crazy hellhole behind. Even more grateful he is that his best friend is joining him and renting an appartement together.

Kenny had already moved to Denver a few years prior. Taking his sister Karen out of their shitty childhood home with him the first chance he got when he turned sixteen.

Kyle is most of all looking forward to having one of his oldest friends close by again. Of course they talk, he Stan and Kenny videocall every chance they got, and playing online games every thursday night has become routine. But it has been a while since Kenny visited South park, and he himself had been too busy with working to save up, then finding a collage and planning the move to make the trip to Denver. He can't wait to see Kenny face to face again.

There is one more thing Kyle is looking forward to. If rumors are to be believed, the famed vigilante of South park has had similar ideas to them, and moved to Denver. As a year ago sights of a purple clad figure started to appear in the most crime ridden parts of the city.

Kyle has been Mysterions informant for close to a decade now.

He will never forget that first night the vigilante showed up at his bedroom window. They were both kids then, Kyle was only ten. The little town they grew up in feeling so much larger, petty crimes like great injustices he was helping to solve.

It has been almost two years since his last contact with the hero. A simple text letting him know he won't be seeing the cape any time soon. But that he was safe, and not gone for good. This had come after months of no sign of Mysterion. Something not entirely unusual in the vigilantes carreer.

Kyle is secretly hoping to reconnect with Mysterion.

"Dude, earth to Kyle!" Stan half yelled.


"You were spacing out man, do you wanna stop for snacks?"

"oh yeah sure."


When Kenny left South park the hardest part for sure was leaving his friends behind. With the physical distance between them it was dificult staying in touch sometimes. But the moment the three of them sit down together at the local burger joint it was like no time has passed at all. Stan, Kyle and Kenny are overjoyed to see eachother again and meet in a big, only slighly gay, group hug.

Theres a lot to catch up on.

"You have two jobs right Kenny?"

"Three, picked up a night gig to save up some for Karens college." Ken awnsers beween stuffing fries in his face.

"Dude don't overwork yourself." Stan shoots a worried look Kyles way and he's sure the redhead is already making budget plans in his head to pitch in that Kenny inevitably is going to reject.

Ken shrugs "eh, its security, so I pretty much get payed to sleep."


"You guys heard Butters got a girlfriend."

"An actual one this time? Not one he's paying?"

"jup far as I know. They're renting somewhere in town too."

"Man we should hang out with him sometime, I havn't seen Leo in ages."

"The guy went through one hell of a rebellious phase, but he's calmed down since he's started dating."


"You guys done with your college applications?"

"Yeah I'm all good. Accepted et all."

"Still waiting on my letter, but i'm pretty confident I'm in. My mom is gonna kill me if i'm not." Kyle shudders a little imagening his mothers wrath. "Are you going back to school Ken?"

"I want to, but Karens education comes first. Maybe in like a decade or so. it's never too late to learn."


"Are there any fun things to do in town? I wanna get the full big city experience and go clubbing!" Stan looks exited to get drunk more than anything.

"I know a few decent places, the smaller ones are a better bet if you don't wanna have junkies trying to sell you smack though."

"I heard there's a lot of crime in Denver. Kind of makes me wonder if leaving a small town was realy a good idea."

"Eh, nowhere is as crazy as South Park."

They talk for hours. When Kyle finally returnes to the appartement he feels too tired to continue unpacking and just crashes in bed, falling asleep instantly.

Kysterion twenty questionsWhere stories live. Discover now