First questions

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This is a bad idea, Kenny thinks. A realy realy bad idea. If he awnsers questions Kyle is absolutely going to figure out who he is. But he's been dabating telling the red head for so long now though. Perhaps it is time to come clean. And like this, Ken can gage his reaction by revealing things bit by bit.

Kyle hands Mysterion a folder.

"And with that I think you have enough on Reiger to at least bring her in for questioning with the police."

"Thank you."

Kyle gives Mysterion a look.

"Very well. Ask your question."

"Where did you go before you showed up in Denver?"

Mysterion chooses his words very carefully when awnsering questions. Keeping things vague enough not to give away too personal information while also satisfying Kyles insatiable curiousity.

"I had to leave, to protect someone I love."

"Did it work? are they safe?"

Here he smiles. Kyle has never seen the dark vigilante look so content.



"Have you always had these powers? Is that why you became a super hero?"

"Those are two." Mysterion points out, trying to keep his amusement out of his voice. The red head frequently tries to get away with asking multiple things and he has a hard time not awnsering them all sometimes. But he's also enoying spending time with Kyle like this. It's different as Mysterion, yet familiar.

"ugh. The first one." Kyle resists the urge to roll his eyes.

"Yes, though most of it..lay dormant."

"I always assumed you didn't have any powers utill now. Which ones did you have?"

Mysterion shifts his weight uncomfortably. He's debating with himself if and what he wants to say.

"Not...not tonight. I'm fairly certain I do want to tell you this eventually but..." The vigilante looks out the window for a long time.

Is he debating if he's gonna run? Kyle thinks.

"It's a nice night." The words sounds like a blatant attempt to change the subject. But the unspoken 'Lets keep it that way' hangs clear in the room between them.

Kyle looks like he realy wants to pry, but he doesn't want to chase the vigilante away. Not now he's finally opening up to the red head. He can be patient. "Dramatic conversations need proper ambiance."

Mysterion smiles gratefully.


Mysterion has had an odd night. He and Kyle had been researching several cult activities that had sprung up recently. Kyle has found addresses cult members are most likely meeting so Mysterion investigated the most promising building.

What he found was indeed a few members of a cult and a priest of sorts wielding a very strange bracelet. When Mysterion tried to pull the priest with his mist it dissolves. Luckily the priest was still very much vunerable to getting punched in the face.

He got pretty much nowhere with interrogating the cult members after he ziptied them all up. So he left them for the police but took the bracelet. He decides to update Kyle on what he did find out first.

After he tells Kyle of his night he shows the bracelet.

"What is that thing? It looks like it's distorting the air around it." Kyle watches the bracelet shimmer and seemingly transform randomly.

"Not sure. But I know someone who might find out."

"Who? You got other informants besides me?" Kyle did not expect that. Who are they? Are they closer to the vigilante than he?

"Jealous?" The hero smirks. He's been doing that a lot more recently, teasing and showing glimpses of his emotions to Kyle. It makes him feel all kinds of mixed feelings.

The red head scoffs. He is not jealous, nuh uh not at all. "Uh no. Just surprised. You don't exactly come over as the trusting type."

"True. But she is the most reliable sorce for occult things I know."


"You're still doing this, briefs boy." Henrietta says as Mysterion shows up in her window.

"I need your help."

Henrietta takes a long suffering drag of her sigaret before motioning the cape to continue.

"This bracelet acts strange around me."

She takes the bracelet and examens it, takes a few books from her extensive wall to ceiling spanning collection and flips through the pages, eyes quickly skimming the pages before she stops and reads a passage more thourogly before speaking again. Mysterion knows to stay quiet to let her work.

"Not surprising concidering it originates from r'lyeh." Henrietta remarks before flipping the book to let the vigilante read the page.

"This is troubling. There's cult practice and meeting points throughout the city. Are there more of these bracelets?"

"Not bracelets, theres a whole jewel set with the same properties." Henrietta flips through the book to point at different jewlery. A neclace, rings, even earrings. "My advice, take them all to destroy."

Mysterion nods. "How do I destroy them?"

Henrietta sighs like this is the biggest chore she's ever been presented with.

"Fine. Bring them here. I will burn them with hellfire. Should do the trick."

"Thank you."

"Whatever, get out of my house captain underpants."

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